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Taking charge in Greater Manchester

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1 Taking charge in Greater Manchester
Health and Social Care Devolution - Suggested tweets

2 Toolkit – Suggested Tweets
GM is Join in the conversation about #gmdevo #takingcharge Join in the conversation and fill in a #GMDevo health snapshot survey #takingcharge There’s a role for everyone to take responsibility for their wellbeing. Tell us how #gmdevo #takingcharge                                                                                                                                                                                        What stops people from taking more responsibility for their health? Join in the conversation about #gmdevo #takingcharge What helps people to take responsibility for their health? Join in the conversation about #gmdevo #takingcharge #gmdevo wants to see the greatest and fastest improvement to the health of GM people. Join in the conversation #gmdevo wants to see the fastest and greatest improvement to our wellbeing. Join in the conversation

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