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The FRAME Stem-changing verbs

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1 The FRAME Stem-changing verbs
Key Topic is about . . . Stem-changing verbs Verbs that experience a spelling change in the stem in certain conjugations in the present tense Main Idea e ie o ue e i u ue Essential details Essential details Essential details Essential details Change occurs in –ar, -er and –ir verbs Change occurs in –ar ,–er and -ir verbs Change occurs in –ir verbs Change occurs in the verb jugar Change occurs in all forms except nosotros and vosotros Change occurs in all forms except nosotros and vosotros Change occurs in all forms except nosotros and vosotros Change occurs in all forms except nosotros and vosotros They can be identified in dictionaries and glossaries by (e ie) They can be identified in dictionaries and glossaries by (o ue) They can be identified in dictionaries and glossaries by (e i) They can be identified in dictionaries and glossaries by (u ue) The change occurs in the vowel before the ending The change occurs in the vowel before the ending The change occurs in the vowel before the ending The change occurs in the vowel before the ending So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Not all verbs are regular in the present tense Not all verbs that have an e, o or u before the ending stem-change. Adapted from The Framing Routine. Copyrights for the template are held by the authors of The Framing Routine.

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