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Must cultural differences lead to conflict?

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Presentation on theme: "Must cultural differences lead to conflict?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Must cultural differences lead to conflict?
Get Ready to Read Must cultural differences lead to conflict? What are some examples of cultural differences? Why might these differences cause conflicts between groups? How do cultural differences cause conflicts in the world today? Look at pages What two groups might be meeting? What does this pyramid reveal about the people who built it? What items might be used in the trading session in the picture?

2 Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Listen for the following amazing words as I read Hernando Cortes and the Conquest: Empire Alliances Mercenaries Flourished

3 Alliances - Unions or agreements between groups
Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Alliances - Unions or agreements between groups Would you form an alliance with a friend or an enemy? With which countries does the United States have alliances? Empire – a group of countries or states under one ruler or government The Spanish empire sent explorers to the New World. Give examples of places the Spanish empire sent its explorers. Mercenaries – soldiers or other who work primarily for pay The mercenaries were paid to fight in another country. Consider the etymology of mercenary – which means “for wages” Flourished – something thrived or did well The roses flourished in my uncles’ backyard. Give an example of something that would flourish.

4 Do the facts and details in the text support my conclusion?
Read and Comprehend Draw Conclusions Questions you can ask yourself to evaluate whether a conclusion is valid: Do the facts and details in the text support my conclusion? Is my conclusion based on logical thinking and common sense? Read The Conquistadores. Based on the fact that the conquistadores were mostly interested in fighting and searching for gold, I can conclude that conquistadores were feared in the Americas. Create a graphic organizer like the one on page 420. List several important ideas from the selection.

5 Read and Comprehend Fluency Practice

6 Use the following vocabulary words in sentences: Benefits Campaigns
Read and Comprehend Vocabulary Use the following vocabulary words in sentences: Benefits Campaigns Comrades Enrich Foreigners Invaders

7 Language Arts Spelling Pre-test

8 Quotations and Quotation Marks
Language Arts Quotations and Quotation Marks Direct quotation: a speaker’s exact words Indirect quotation: speech that has been reworded instead of quoted exactly Quotation marks: punctuation marks that enclose words in a direct quotation

9 Reports information about an event, idea or person
Language Arts Writing – News Article Key features: Reports information about an event, idea or person Tells who, what, where when and why Includes direct quotations Includes interesting information to capture a reader’s attention Write a news article about an important event in your school or community, using facts and details

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