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Team Forbes/Wayne 3rd Grade Buford Academy
Curriculum Night
Meet the Teachers Ms. Forbes: ELA and Social Studies
Mrs. Wayne: Math and Science * Our website is updated weekly. We will also be sending home a newsletter every Friday with important information and dates! Also, be aware on daily notes in student’s agendas.
Agenda Your child brings it home every night.
Your child needs to bring it to school everyday. This is used to: Communicate between parents & teachers. Tell your child if you write a note. Record misbehavior/Earn paw prints Record assignments – homework, tests, and projects - Record daily specials
Gold Folders This will go home every day. Please remove your child’s:
Graded work Graded tests Newsletters Homework Important notes Please return homework and signed papers in the Gold folder each day. Papers are taken out when they are due. (Not before.) Please do not throw any papers away without asking your child first if they are important! Especially anything in the back cover!
Behavior Plan Rewards:
- Individual Behavior - 20 Wolf Way stamps earn a reward - Brag tags for great effort/work Consequences: - Clip board: 2 ‘oops’ receives a N - behavior note sent home in the agenda to be signed and returned or a call home. *0-1 ‘oops’ receives a S – we do not record in the agenda.
Homework Language Arts Math -Check your child’s folder.
- Students will complete one row of a LARS sheet every day for morning work. They will be quizzed on the LARS every Friday. Math -Check your child’s folder. - Practice math facts 10 minutes every night. Start practicing multiplication now. We will begin math timed tests in multiplication in October. Look at links on the webpage. Reading Read at least 100 minutes each week (20 minutes 5 nights a week). Students will complete a weekly reading log. Send in your library books every day. WE USE THEM IN CLASS!! Students will complete reading journals every Friday for morning work to assess student’s reading comprehension throughout the week.
Grading Report cards are sent every nine weeks. Progress reports at mid-term. Look at PowerSchool- Call the office if you have questions. Children are graded based on: Formative (classwork)- 50% Summative (assessments) 40% Benchmarks (1 per quarter) 10%
Newsletter Updates from each teacher
Linked to our class website on the home page Important dates Will be sent home every Friday.
Classroom Website Our classroom website is found on the Buford Academy website. Click on our pictures or go to Look at the website for announcements, fun links to learning, homework reminders and more!
Daily Schedule 7:30 Power up 30 8:00 Arrival to Class 8:30- Tardy Bell
8:10-8:30 Morning Work 8:30-9:20 Math and Language Arts 9:20-10:10 Math and Language Arts 10:10-11:00 Science and Social Studies 11:00-11:19 Recess 11:24-11:49 Lunch 11:50-12:40 Social Studies and Math 12:40-1:30 Language Arts and Math 1:30-2:20 Specials or Science 2:20-3:10 Specials or Language Arts
Attendance Improving attendance, tardies and checkouts is a school improvement goal of Buford Academy We have many days built into the year that we can use for appointments. Please try to use these days as much as possible. A written excuse within 2 days of the absence must be sent Absences of 10 or more days in a school year will result in contact from the school counselor or system social worker Students should not be checked out from 2:50-3:10 pm Students with perfect attendance each quarter are eligible for a reward Please make sure your students are at school as many days as possible! Missing work can only be made up during recess! Instruction time is so important to children’s success!
CCGPS/Ga. Milestone
We follow the state standards. Georgia Milestone. NO CRCT ELA and Math with Written responses
Reading Students read material on their level, most of the time. Students have no limit of growth. Students can choose books based on their individual reading level and their interest level. Reader’s Workshop/Book Clubs (Tuesday Mornings) Student comprehension moves beyond recall and fact retelling. Why? How? Making connections, inferring, and more. Goals-To become a BETTER READER!! Lexile Levels
Language Arts Writing *Types of writing: narrative, informational, and opinion *Your child will work through the Writing Process with each piece: prewriting, first draft, revising, editing *Traits of Writing: ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, and conventions *My main focus is ideas and details!!! Grammar – taught in isolation and incorporated into daily writings, LARS, and readings Spelling – We will not have spelling tests! We will practice high frequency words in our daily LARS!
Math Our daily lessons are very student centered so your child can be successful. It is very important that they be here every day, so they can practice each skill. We will have addition and subtraction timed tests . These are not graded, but students can earn brag tags. Multiplication and division are a huge part of 3rd grade . There will be fluency tests. Homework: It’s about math and responsibility. Computer games, Apps, CD
Science/Social Studies
Great deal of content. Tests after every unit. Study guides will be sent home a few days before every test. Students must study to be successful. Resources will be included on the website.
Fall Testing ITBS (Sep. 13-15th) Cog AT testing (Sep. 16th)
- Reading, Lang. Arts, Math Cog AT testing (Sep. 16th) (No studying) CogAT- Cognitive abilities *Get a good night’s sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast!
V.I.P. Very Important Parents
We need help in many different ways throughout the school year. Fall Festival basket Parties Winter Valentine’s Day End of the Year May 24th- 3rd grade awards, Luau Snacks & treats Helpers in the room
Buford Academy Title I Parent/Student/Teacher Compact
As a Parent I agree to... Be An active participant by attending Open House, Curriculum Night, Parent Teacher Conferences, and other events throughout the school year. Be A supportive parent by having my child read at least 20 minutes five nights each week to help increase their Lexile reading level, by assisting with homework completion, and reviewing school communication nightly. Be A supportive parent by practicing math facts with my child at least 10 minutes two to three nights each week.
Buford Academy Title I Parent/Student/Teacher Compact
As a Teacher I agree to... Be An active participant by regularly updating PowerSchool and classroom websites, scheduling parent-teacher conferences twice a year, and consistently communicating through phone calls, and newsletters. Be A supportive teacher by providing research based differentiated instruction that helps to ensure students can achieve their Reading Lexile goals. Be A proactive teacher by communicating with parents benchmark data to address standards and skills related to math.
Buford Academy Title I Parent/Student/Teacher Compact
As a Student I agree to... Be An active participant by cooperating in classroom activities, asking questions when I do not understand, and completing classroom assignments. Be A responsible student by reading at least 20 minutes five nights a week, completing my homework, studying for tests and reviewing school communication with parents. Be A responsible student by practicing math facts at home for at least 10 minutes two or three nights a week.
Events at Buford Academy
September 5th – Labor Day Holiday September 6th – September 9th: Grandparents Lunch Week October 6th: Fall Festival October 10th: Fall Holiday October 13th – October 14th: Early Release/Parent Conferences November 21st – November 25th: Thanksgiving Break December 19th – January 3rd: Winter Break March 16th – March 17th: Early Release/Parent Conferences April 3rd – April 7th: Spring Break April 25th – May 5th: Milestone Testing May 19th: Field Day May 23rd: 3rd Grade Awards May 26th: Last Day of School
Follow BA on Twitter. @BufordAcademy
Homeroom App. for Team Forbes/Wayne
We will be using the Homeroom App. to update parents about what is going on in the classroom and upcoming due dates. We would like to post pictures throughout the day for parents to see the fun we are having and the standards we are learning! If you would like to join the album and would like to easily stay in-the-loop, please join us by typing in the link below:
Thank You! Our children are our future!
If you have further questions, feel free to schedule a conference. or agenda notes is the best way to communicate in a timely manner.
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