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Beach Ball Activity Guidelines

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Presentation on theme: "Beach Ball Activity Guidelines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beach Ball Activity Guidelines

2 Answer the question of the color that your right thumb lands on
Red: Coolest Gift you got from the Holidays? Blue: What is your New Year's Resolution? White: Where did you spend the Holiday break? Yellow: What good deed did you do over the break?

3 Answer the question of the color that your right thumb lands on
Red:Did you receive money over break? If so what did you spend it on? Blue:What is one item you can’t live without? And why? White: What have you started saving for in your future? Yellow: Biggest purchase you have… How did you purchase it?

4 Needs vs. Wants activity

5 Why is it important to learn about the difference between needs and wants?
2. Are needs and wants the same all over the world? 3. Will needs and wants change with age? 4. What are ways you can get more of your wants?

6 Assignment for Tuesday January 10th

7 Income Budget Need Want Expenditures


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