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organization of multicellular organisms Review

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1 organization of multicellular organisms Review

2 A group of cells that perform a specific function are called A(N)_________________.

3 A group of organs that perform a certain function are called A(N)________________.

4 cells working together are considered to be A(N) ________________.

5 What is the correct sequence of organization in A MULTICELLULAR ORGANISM?

6 A group of molecules , such as proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids make up a(n)___________________. ORGANELLE ORGANELLE

A group of organ systems working together make up a(n) _____________________. MULTICELLULAR ORGANISM

8 Why is blood considered to be a tissue?

9 What structure is a good example of the interrelatedness of the circulatory and respiratory systems? What is its function in the body? CAPILLARIES; allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to easily move across their walls for gas exchange

10 What is the difference between structure and function
What is the difference between structure and function? How are they related? Structure is the arrangement of parts, while function is the specific activity or role of those parts The structure of cells has a direct impact on their function in the body.

11 What does it mean to say cells are differentiated?
Different cells perform different jobs that they are specialized to; they have a particular function in the body

12 How is the structure of a red blood cell important to its functioning?
to deliver oxygen to body tissues, its shape allows it to move easily through narrow blood vessels

13 Cite an example of how two different tissues in the body work together as part of an organ in the body. Heart- muscle, blood, and nerve tissue Stomach- muscle, connective, nervous, blood, and epithelial tissues

14 Can organs from one system play a role in other systems as well
Can organs from one system play a role in other systems as well? What does this indicate about relationships between organ systems? yes; the smooth functioning of a multicellular organism depends upon organ systems cooperating with each other Ex> nutrients and oxygen are distributed by circulatory system, while wastes are eliminated by urinary and respiratory systems

15 how are the cells of a multicellular organism made of trillions of cells different from a unicellular organism? unicellular organisms carry out all life functions, such as exchanging materials with the environment, but a multicellular organism has cell differentiation

16 What is gas exchange? Identify how two systems help perform this function in the body.
the passage of carbon dioxide out of the body and oxygen into the body; capillaries have a role in the respiratory system and the circulatory system; transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body is essential to both systems

17 What happens in the alveoli
What happens in the alveoli? How does this differ from the capillary activity? Alveoli are small sacs that give extensive surface area to the lungs; they are filled with inhaled gases waiting to enter the blood or gases exiting the blood by exhaling; capillaries transport blood

18 Why Can’t the cells of a multicellular organism survive on their own the way a unicellular organism can? Differentiation- the smooth functioning of a multicellular organism is the result of all its various parts working together; a unicellular organism exhibits no differentiation and must carry out all functions to survive

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