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Perspectives Guiding Questions Why do we think and act the way we do?

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives Guiding Questions Why do we think and act the way we do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspectives Guiding Questions Why do we think and act the way we do?
How do psychologists view our behavior? How do psychologists approach the study of behavior?

2 There are 8 major Perspectives or areas of emphasis…
Biological Psychodynamic Behavioral Humanistic Positive Cognitive Cross Cultural Evolutionary

3 Biological Perspective
Studies the physiological aspects of human behavior and mental processes. Nervous systems, hormones, genetics, immune system, chemicals, endocrine system, neurotransmitters

4 Psychodynamic Perspective
Originated with Sigmund Freud Stresses the importance of unconscious influences, early life experiences, relationships, etc… Unconscious motives and desires… EXAMPLES = Dream analysis, therapy, how one is parented…

5 Behavioral Perspective
Originated with B.F. Skinner and James Watson Studies observable behavior and if we learn behavior by imitating others, or through a series of rewards and punishments. EXAMPLES = “Pavlov’s Dog”, get candy if you are good – but get spanked if you are bad, star charts, etc…

6 Humanistic Perspective
Originated with Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow Focuses on the motivation of people to grow psychologically, the importance of choice in striving to reach one’s potential. Striving for a positive self image, deciding your own self concept.

7 Positive Psychology The study of positive emotions and psychological states and the social institutions that foster positive individuals and communities. Look at the optimal functioning of people and is a counterbalance to the traditional emphasis on problems and disorders. Ex> Creativity, resilience, building a strong character and developing wisdom

8 Cognitive Perspective
Focuses on the role of mental processes and how you process information and solve problems. Thought processes and how you perceive the world… EXAMPLES = Memory, language skills, etc…

9 Cross- Cultural Perspective
Looks closely at cultural factors and how they influence behavior. Ethnic diversity, cultural norms, nationality, race, religion, language… EXAMPLES = Cultural differences, holidays, foods, music, style of dress, art, belief systems

10 Evolutionary Perspective
Applies the principles of evolution to our ability to adapt to the environment and thus increase our likelihood of survival EXAMPLES = Fear of spiders, heights, “fight or flight” reaction, “gut” reactions…

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