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Roman towns and town planning

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1 Roman towns and town planning
Josef Fiala, Czech Republic

2 Roman empire was divided into two parts: East Roman Empire and South Roman Empire. They were divided into provinces. Provinces of East Empire were for example nowadays Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria. Provinces of West Empire were for example nowadays Germany, Switzerland Roman territory

3 Roman towns The most famous town was Rome that is now in Italy.
Verulamium that is now St. Albans in England. Constantinopolis that is now Istanbul and it is in Turkey. Athens that is in Greece. Lindum that is now Lincoln also in England. Roman towns

4 Town planning and layout
Square shape - a regular network of streets with two main streets and the main square on their crossing. There were important representative structures as Forum Romanum, temples, and public buildings Triumphal arches - first of all made of wood, later made of stone

5 The most famous buildings in the Roman Empire
Temples Public buildings basilicas – churches curia - court baths and theatres Amphitheathre (Colosseum) The most famous buildings in the Roman Empire

6 The most famous buildings in the Roman Empire
Residental buildings Roman House Villa urbana emperor palaces - Imperial building complexes The most famous buildings in the Roman Empire

7 The most famous buildings in Roman Empire
Engineering structures: paved roads ( thousand km, 3-10 m wide) bridges canals, dams lighthouses aquaducts Sewerage system: “Cloaca maxima“ - Used to collect waste from the city. Storing food: grain silos „horreum“ pots buried in the ground, wine cellars, salt preservation (fish) The most famous buildings in Roman Empire

8 Town protection Fortification – stone defensive walls
Rampant wall – “Agger“ Stone or brick walls with towers Fortification of the boundaries of the empire – “Hadrian‘s wall, Antonine wall“ Town protection

9 Population in year 100 was 1 million people (Emperor Augustus).
Government: Kingdom – King was overthrown. Republic: „Res Publica“ Officials (consuls) Senate (senators) Tribune of the people (plebeian) Life in the town

10 Social Classes Free Romans: Patrician – rich and noble families.
Plebeians – ordinary poor people. Slaves: Born into slavery (heredity) War prisoners Social Classes

11 Roman fortresses and military camps
“Castrum“ Roman military camp. The legions lived there. Surrounded by a wall and a ditch. “ Castellum“ Camp for smaller military unit Division: Marching camps – built before every night in military campaign. Transitional camps – for longer stay (in winter). Permanent camps – solid fortresses. Roman fortresses and military camps

12 Roman military fortresses in the Czech Republic
1 – “Mušov“ 2 – “Charvatská Nová Ves“ 3 – “Ivaň“ 4 – “Brno“ 5 – “Olomouc“ Roman military fortresses in the Czech Republic

13 Plan of a military camp

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