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Section 1: The Solar System Section 2: Earth-Sun Relationships

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Presentation on theme: "Section 1: The Solar System Section 2: Earth-Sun Relationships"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 1: The Solar System Section 2: Earth-Sun Relationships
CHAPTER 2 Earth in Space Section 1: The Solar System Section 2: Earth-Sun Relationships Section 3: The Earth System

2 Question: What planets and stars make up our solar system?
SECTION 1 The Solar System Question: What planets and stars make up our solar system?

3 The Solar System SECTION 1 Sun Mercury Earth Uranus Pluto Jupiter
Saturn Venus Mars Neptune

4 Question: What are the Earth’s solstice and equinox?
SECTION 2 Earth-Sun Relationships Question: What are the Earth’s solstice and equinox?

5 Earth-Sun Relationships
SECTION 2 Earth-Sun Relationships Solstice Equinox time when Earth’s poles point at their greatest angle toward or away from the Sun occurs twice each year when Earth’s poles are not pointed toward or away from the Sun

6 Question: What are the four parts of the Earth system?
SECTION 3 The Earth System Question: What are the four parts of the Earth system?

7 The Earth System SECTION 3 Earth system atmosphere biosphere
lithosphere hydrosphere

8 Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 2
1. How have tectonic processes shaped the physical environment of Europe? 2. Where can you find glacially scoured landscapes in Europe? What are these landscapes like? 3. What are Europe’s three major climate types? 4. Which biome do large parts of northern and central Europe have? How have people affected it?

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