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APA Format Rules and Guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "APA Format Rules and Guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 APA Format Rules and Guidelines

2 Title Page (page 1) All information is centered.
Title of paper (summary of main idea in words) Author’s name Author’s affiliation/institution all 12 point TNR font (no italicizing)

3 Title page continued Running head = shortened version of paper’s full title Running head is flush with left side, in all caps Page number is flush with right side Running head cannot exceed 50 characters

4 Second page (Abstract)
center the word Abstract begin paragraph with no indentation (all other paragraphs in paper will be indented) Abstract = summary of paper (write this last!), words, any acronyms are defined in this section

5 Third Page (start of the paper)
Full title is centered at the top Introduction begins right underneath (indented) Introduction paragraph presents the problem the paper addresses

6 Paper Headings Paper headings are in bold, centered
paragraphs start immediately beneath (no extra spaces)

7 Paper Headings Literature Review (one for each essay)

8 APA parentheticals MLA = (author’s last name, page number)
APA = (author’s last name, year of publication, page number) (Smith, 2009, p.4).

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