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History and Development: Slovenia & Germany

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1 History and Development: Slovenia & Germany
International exchange Gimnazija Brežice & Heimschule Lender Sasbach Heimschule Lender Sasbach, History and Development: Slovenia & Germany Kristina, Maja, Iva, Sabrina, Hatice


3 Period of centrally planned economy
Slovenia is a republic of Jugoslavija (SFRJ). State property is the main meaning of production. State-owned enterprises were not independent . Real Grouth = 2,3 %

4 State property is made into social property. Self-management firms.
Period of self-management of the economy, highlighting administrative features State property is made into social property. Self-management firms.

5 Independent responsibility of the division products.
Period of self-management of the economy, highlighting market characteristics Independent responsibility of the division products. The main mechanism of conection of economy subjects became a market, but it was not complete yet beacuse the rest of the production of non-market factors.

6 Period of the conventional economy
Market economy was removed. Market system has been replaced by agreements and arrangements.

7 Economy after independence
1990- The Slovenian economy had to deal with two major problems, the loss of the Yugoslav market and re-introduction of the market economy. Companies were privatized 1 May 2004, Slovenia joined the European Union in 2007 has adopted the euro (EMU= European Monetary Unit), which is to increase its international economic competitiveness.

8 German History

9 After the 2nd world war Divided into four military occupation zones.

10 DDR Soviet Zone became the German Democratic Republic (DDR). West Germany has a social market economy and in the east Germany planned economy. The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 The German reunification was on 3 October 1990.

11 European Union Founded on 9 May 1950. Belgium,the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxemberg and the Netherlands European Coal and steel community ( ECSC). During the next years many Countries joined to the European Union.

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