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Historical Globalization

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Globalization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Globalization
Recap Chapter 5/6 Historical Globalization

2 Foundation of Globalization
Chapter 5 Foundation of Globalization Globalization began with…

3 Results of Cultural Contact
Chapter 5 Results of Cultural Contact Rapid growth of technology Access to more products Mercantilism Indigenous population being displaced. Colonization of new lands. Slavery

4 Chapter 6 Important Terms Ethnocentrism… Eurocentrism

5 The Scramble for Africa
Chapter 6 The Scramble for Africa Who is King Leopold? Describe what took place in the African Congo?

6 Contact and Cultural Change in India
Chapter 6 Contact and Cultural Change in India British gave power to the _______ _______ _______ _____ to trade and monopolize on resources in India and Asia. Because the industrial revolution taking place in Britain they put laws in place to protect the textile _______ which impacted ______ ability to ______ ____.

7 India Continued Gandhi lead the fight for independence from the British East Indian trading company. He believed every person had the right to be self sufficient.

8 Cultural Change Imperialism changed not only the economic relations among countries but also the cultures of people. European cultures were exported out to the colonies under their rule.

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