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Day Topic: Standing Waves

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1 Day 7 5-17-11 Topic: Standing Waves
Objective: I will explore the harmonics of a standing wave. Science Starter: The video on Friday told us that …. Loudness is affected by A)____________ Pitch is affected by B)______________

2 Standing Waves A wave that is confined in a space is called a standing wave. The lowest natural frequency is called the fundamental. A vibrating string also has other natural frequencies called harmonics. Node is the compressed or pinched part and the antinode is the “bump”.

3 Draw in Notebook Fundamental

4 Lab 20b: Standing Waves on a string
Find the frequencies of the 1st 10 harmonics and write on lab report. Calculate the wavelengths of the 1st 10 harmonics and write on lab report. Calculate the remaining column and answer questions on section 3.

5 Wavelength of a standing wave
The wavelength is the length of one complete S shape of the wave or (2 bumps). The wavelength gets smaller as the frequency gets higher.

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