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Achieve60AZ Community based, strategic initiative to drive attainment for all Arizonans College Knowledge for Counselors October 28, 2016 Rich Nickel.

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1 Achieve60AZ Community based, strategic initiative to drive attainment for all Arizonans
College Knowledge for Counselors October 28, 2016 Rich Nickel

68% X 2020

3 The Upside of Attainment is Compelling
Even modest increases can have a $2.3B impact – approximately the annual growth of the AZ GDP. When aligned with future labor needs, increasing educational attainment across all levels can provide $7.6B of economic and social gains for every cohort. ROI on producing graduates is high. The value of a new graduate to the state is $660,000.

4 What Target Makes Sense?

Yogi Berra

6 Breaking News! Breaking News!
On September 16, 2016, Arizona announces a community owned initiative, Achieve60AZ, to support new goal of 60% attainment! Breaking News! Arizona to announce postsecondary attainment goal in May of 2016

7 Strengthen the K-12 Pipeline Completing Credentials
Examples: Early ed quality and enrollment, 3rd grade reading, 8th grade math, H.S. graduation All focus areas must recognize the urgency of and encourage postsecondary participation and success among Arizona’s low income, first generation, and Latino students. Without significant increases in Latino attainment, it will be impossible for Arizona to meet any future statewide attainment goals. Examples: adult non-completers or those currently enrolled that need support to realize completion Tactics: All day K, Read On AZ, increasing opportunities for AP, dual enrollment, early college Tactics: prior learning assessments, reverse transfer, completion incentives, consistent funding, postsecondary mentoring Increase Access Examples: affordability, post secondary competency, preparation to enroll and succeed in post secondary Align Workforce Needs Examples: JTED, Pathways to Prosperity, meaningful business engagement Tactics: “college knowing and going” competency, financial literacy, graduation v. admission standards, and application and financial aid campaigns Examples of What Can Be Done K-12 Pipeline Ensure students are graduating from high school Encourage and support alternative high school completion options for students who drop out of school such as? Support and promote early learning and kindergarten readiness as an important foundation for student’s long-term success. Encourage robust development of five-year plans for high school students so that all students have a plan to earn a credential or college degree after high school. Credential Completion Identify and recruit adults with some college credits but not a degree or certificate and support their return to complete their degrees. Maximize course credits toward degrees, including reverse transfer that recognizes community college credits taken toward university degrees that can be used as complete marketable credentials. Clearly define pathways toward completion and provide career guidance for all students to minimize loss of credits and time. Increasing Access Emphasize and support FAFSA (student financial aid registration) for all students in high school. Increase transparency and simplify student financial aid options so more students can attend postsecondary institutions. Provide early-college pathways in high school that enable students to get college credits while earning a high school diploma. Addressing Workforce Needs Support Prior Learning Assessments for professionals and military personal to “count” experiences and learning in the field to count toward degrees and certificates. Identify and prioritize labor market needs in Arizona to fully align credential production with industry jobs and opportunities. Promote career exploration in middle and high school for all students. Tactics: promote full and early participation of career information and planning tools, full utilization of labor market and employment data

8 Next Steps for Achieve60AZ
Project Design Phase – Intense Community Planning Continue Communications and Engagement Advocate For and Align With Legislative Priorities Align Strategies With Milestones and Metrics Localize Attainment Efforts at the Community Level

9 Call Me Rich Nickel CollegeAZ or Rich_Nickel CollegeSuccessAZ
President and CEO | College Success Arizona Phone:   | Mobile:  CollegeAZ or Rich_Nickel CollegeSuccessAZ

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