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2 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Final

3 YCJA CCC Application Criminals Random 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 Ages the YCJA applies to

5 12-17

6 Age when you can be charged under either the YCJA or the CCC?

7 14

8 This is the year we switched from the YOA to the YCJA

9 2003

10 These are the 4 principles of the YCJA

11 Accountability, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility

12 List 4 reasons Canada moved from the Young Offenders Act (YOA) to the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA)

13 Too many youth were being put in jail, too many repeat offenders, to punish based, didn’t focus on the why, did not rehab the offenders, over looked the impact on the victims, treated youth like adults

14 CCC stands for?

15 Criminal Code of Canada

16 Two types of Criminal offences you can get under the CCC

17 Summary and Indictable


19 3 truths about a indictable offence.

20 Given for serious offences, can affect getting a job, generally tried by a jury, jail time more likely.

21 We have looked at and discussed a number of serious offenders under the CCC. Name 3 of them

22 Trevor Ball, Nick Rasberry, “Mom”, Paul Bernardo, Mark Twitchell, Renee Acoby

23 In detail, explain why youth are often not tried under the YCJA.

24 It is thought that the human brain is not fully developed until one reaches 25 years of age. Because of this, youth are expected to not only make mistakes, but also still posses the ability to learn from those mistakes. The CCC also fails to look at external (outside factors) like negligent parents, so the YCJA allows for recognition of this.

25 The 11 year old boy, from Saskatchewan, who killed a 4 year old girl is likely going to receive how many years in jail?

26 None. He is too young to be tried under the CCC or the YCJA.

27 Big dumb Jared and the stolen tanning lotion is an example of what kind of justice?

28 Restorative Justice

29 Extra-Judicial Sanctions, like the John Howard Society, can include…

30 Rehab, community service, victim-offender meetings, work placements, youth justice committees.

31 I once overheard a case of a man who got intoxicated, drove to bar and ended up hitting two women (one of which was an on-duty) officer. What preventive measures do you suppose were put in place for him in court?

32 License was suspended for 2 years, he was ban from any bar, he was not allowed to drink anywhere in public. Other possible choices could be rehab, anger management, or even a curfew.

33 What are some preventive measures put in place for Trevor Ball

34 Has to live in a half-way house, not allowed to drive, has to take regular drug tests, must hold job.

35 What is the most common offence for youth in Canada?

36 Theft

37 Country with the highest % of youth in prison before 2003?

38 Canada

39 One of the most “notorious” criminals in Canada
One of the most “notorious” criminals in Canada. Known for being charged for the most murders in Canada.

40 Robert Pickton (The Pig Farmer)

41 Despite youth’s identities being protected, this led to the name of the Medicine Hat youth killer’s name being known world wide.

42 They issued an ‘Amber Alert’ when she was not found at the house.

43 This famous John Dillinger quote is the reason why our system attempts to keep youth out of prison.

44 “I went to jail a petty theft, and left as a masterful criminal”

45 What does it mean to sequester someone

46 Removing the Jury from the outside world.

47 What are the 4 R’s of Justice

48 Restorative, Retributive, Rehabilitative, and Reintegration

49 First decision an officer must make when dealing with an offending youth.

50 To charge the youth or to use extra-judicial sanctions.

51 Alberta has different laws for age of consent, what are they?

52 2 years of separation for year olds 5 years of separation for year olds and 16 is legal age of consent However, all are voided if the older partner is in a positon of authority.

53 Crime rate has dropped drastically since the implantation of the YCJA
Crime rate has dropped drastically since the implantation of the YCJA. People who really understand the YCJA know that these statistics are somewhat off, explain how this is so…

54 It is believed that non-court consequences are a better choice for youth, thus, less youth are being charged for their crimes. So they are still happening, but just are not being reported.


56 To what extent is the YCJA effectively dealing with our youth
To what extent is the YCJA effectively dealing with our youth? Give evidence


58 Final Jeopardy Question

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