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Emotional Intelligence LAP 25

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Intelligence LAP 25"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Intelligence LAP 25
Keep Your Cool Stress Management Emotional Intelligence LAP 25

2 Objectives A B Describe stress and its effects on employees.
Explain how employees and employers can manage stress. B

3 Describe stress and its effects on employees.

4 Kelsey had a stressful job.
Eventually, she quit. What could she or her employer have done?

5 What Is Stress? A mental, physical, or emotional feeling of pressure or tension Can be positive Too much can have negative effect

6 What Is Burnout? Charlie is Losing sleep Getting sick Feeling unhappy
Not excited about his job Burnout: a type of exhaustion that is usually caused by too much stress

7 Signs of Employee Stress
Low morale Fatigue Illness

8 Signs of Employee Stress
Absenteeism and tardiness More complaints More conflict “Tell-Tale Signs Your Employee is Overworked”: ployee-overworked-infographic/

9 Causes of Stress Low salary Heavy/Unrealistic workload
Lack of direction An unpleasant work environment Lack of job security Non-work issues

10 Explain how employees and employers can manage stress.

11 Actions Employees Can Take
Know your limits. Stay healthy. “Active Employees More Likely to be Productive, Less Stressed”: Uzr0kUvXs Relax. Get support.

12 Why Should Employers Care?
Greater healthcare costs Greater employee turnover More absenteeism Lack of productivity

13 How Can Employers Identify Employee Stress?
Administer employee surveys. Create a stress management employee committee. Be aware of employees’ lives.

14 How Can Employers Alleviate and Prevent Employee Stress?
Encourage frequent breaks. Create and encourage social activities. Promote physical activity.

15 How Can Employers Alleviate and Prevent Employee Stress?
Create an employee concierge system. “Bringing Your Dog to Work Eases Stress, Study Says”: 5/doggone-it-bringing-your-dog-to- work-eases-stress-study-says html Offer stress education classes. Create flexible schedules.

16 Acknowledgments Original Developers:
Christopher C. Burke, Kerry Winfrey, MBAResearch Version 1.0 Copyright © 2015 MBA Research and Curriculum Center

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ThinkStock Photos Various images used in this presentation are ©2014 ThinkStock Photos. All rights reserved

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