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Intro To Buddhism.

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1 Intro To Buddhism

2 Siddartha Gautama Born in 583 BCE in an area now near Nepal-Died in 503 Father was a king - Mother died after childbirth Lived a life of privilege and luxury which led him to become sensitive Forbidden to leave the royal compound

3 The Four Sights/Encounters
Convinces a charioteer to take him into the city Sees a sick man, an aging man, a corpse Last sight is an ascetic-serene

4 Return to Palace Return to the palace but takes no pleasure
Leaves the palace, shaves his head, and dresses as a beggar. Begins quest for enlightenment

5 The Search Renunciation of pleasure
Seeks wisdom from teachers-learns meditation Practice of enduring pain, starvation, breathing-opposite of pleasure Chooses the middle path The ascetics abandon him

6 Fig tree /Bodhi Tree Finds enlightenment Becomes the Buddha
Reluctantly become a teacher-his truth could not be spoken, only experienced First sermon delivered to the ascetics who abandoned him

7 4 Noble Truths Truth 1- Dukkha
Life is suffering-in life we experience both physical and psychological suffering. There is also joy, but life is such that nothing is permanent. All will change, decay and die. Suffering from change-impermanence.

8 2nd Truth-Samudaya The origin of suffering is desire or craving and attachment. Desire to have or not to have. Ambition

9 3rd Truth-Nirodha End of suffering is attainable and comes from non-attachment. Dispassion

10 4th Truth-Magga The Eightfold Path
Panna/Wisdom-Right Understanding, Right Thought Sila/Morality-Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood Samadhi/Concentration-Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration

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