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American Colonies Emerge

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1 American Colonies Emerge
Chapter 2 American Colonies Emerge

2 I.) Spain's Empire

3 Hernándo Cortés: God? Led conquistadors through Mexico
Took gold / silver from Montezuma (Aztec leader) Destroyed Aztecs- War & Disease Created New Spain

4 Spanish Rule… Took history lesson from Moorish invasion
Lived among, married natives Mestizos Worked natives  Encomiendas

5 Southwest, Florida and Popé’s Rebellion
Florida: Juan Ponce de León Colonized New Mexico 1550s (present day Santa Fe, New Mexico) Popé: 1680 Religious leader leads rebellion against Spain Left Spain out of control in the region Lead to eventual downfall in the Americas

6 II.) English Settlements
Jamestown 1607: Joint-Stock Company (Virginia) Headed by John Smith Disaster Strikes: Looking for Gold (Uh, hello!?!) 150 arrivesix weeks later only 38 Colonized on swampy land

7 1609--Jamestown Getting Better
Tobacco is found (John Rolfe) People needed Headright System Indentured Servants 1619: First African slaves (20) begin to show

8 EXTREME MAKEOVER Hostilities with the Locals (Powhatans)
English different than Spaniards Demand offerings from natives English get beat down Jamestown becomes Royal Colony

9 Does the above sound familiar???
The Poor Rise Up Felt they were not fairly represented in Gov’t Nathaniel Bacon fights natives & wealthy English Bacon declares poor have no rights, taxed too much Does the above sound familiar???

10 III.) Puritan New England
Believed Anglican Church was too Catholic Wanted to purify Anglican Church Faith, Prayer, hard work, study of Bible Pilgrim??? (separatists) Puritan Believed “no hope” for Anglican Church Left for America in 1620 Plymouth Colony (2nd)

11 Puritans Reach Massachusetts (1630)
Massachusetts Bay Colony (John Winthrop) Boston was port city Incorporates Plymouth Colony


13 Puritan Laws and Family Could not: Family
Drink, swear, be lazy, steal, kill, etc. Family Children must behave No domestic disputes

14 “Forced Religion Stinks in the Nostrils of God!”
Puritan Rebels with a Cause Roger Williams: “Forced Religion Stinks in the Nostrils of God!” Worship how one sees fit Natives should be treated w/ more respect Fled to Providence  Founded Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson Believed one could find God without Church or Ministers Banished to Rhode Island

15 Pequot War & King Philip’s War (Metacom)
Pequot War (1637): English show destruction King Philip’s War (1675): Ended the reign of Native Americans in Northeast

16 III.) Middle Colonies New Netherland The Dutch Very Diverse
More interested with trading than w/ fighting

17 Quakers Settle Pennsylvania Quaker???
Pacifists Anyone could speak at church “meetings” No ranks William Penn/Quakers settles Pennsylvania colony Helped found Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love” Good relations with Natives Trade Courts Land

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