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States Quiz Thursday Same 20 as before plus:

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1 States Quiz Thursday Same 20 as before plus: Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska

2 I. The Antebellum South

3 How would you describe Warren County economically and socially?

4 A. Income Disparity Plantation owners made up about __________________of the South. About what percentage owned slaves? Why is slavery such a big deal then politically?

5 B. Physical Challenges Most fighting had been done with words, but it spilled over to physical conflict. What previous examples have we learned about? Nat Turner’s Rebellion- slave who believed God called on him to lead slaves in a rebellion. Result: Impact: Lead to southern states passing Black Codes – what are they? John Brown: believed God had put him on a mission to end slavery. Invaded the town of Harper’s Ferry, Virginia and its armory. What is an armory? Was defeated in 36 hours and sentenced to death.

6 C. States Rights Southerners wanted the states to have more power, specifically in determining slavery in states. Which documents did they use to support their ideas? They soon felt they were losing their states rights to determine this. “The Election was not the Cause [of secession] it was but the last feather which you know breaks the Camel’s back. Sectional hostility manifested in hostile legislation by states and by raids of organized bodies sustained by Contributions…of northern Society furnish to us sufficient cause…” Why did the South secede according to the author? What do you think he means by “raids of organized bodies”? How is this an example of the Southern states losing their rights?

7 Guided Practice The Civil War/War Between the States started for many reasons. We can group these causes/events leading to war into economic, political and social reasons. Determine and explain two for each category. Economic Political Social

8 Exit Ticket 1) Most white southerners owned a. no slaves. b. one slave. c. two slaves. d. six to ten slaves.

9 Exit Ticket 2) "By the 1850’s, the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord." This quotation suggests that a. vast differences of opinion existed over the issue of States rights b. the Federal Government had become more interested in foreign affairs than in domestic problems c. the Constitution had no provisions for governing new territories d. the Southern States continued to import slaves

10 Exit Ticket 3) Why did the South feel that war was necessary to protect their way of life?

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