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Read pages of World Geography and answer question #2

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Presentation on theme: "Read pages of World Geography and answer question #2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read pages 460-1 of World Geography and answer question #2
Warm-Up Read pages of World Geography and answer question #2

2 Central Asia

3 The countries of Central Asia have been dominated by other countries for centuries
still trying to create stable governments and economies Taken over by Mongols, Romans, Persians, Arabs, Ottoman Turks Trade routes passed through Central Asia Silk Road and Marco Polo Complete questions 1 and 2 using the map on p. 464 I. History

4 In 1979, Afghanistan fought off Soviets and Taliban took over
Taliban sheltered Osama bin Laden, so US invaded and overthrew Taliban government Currently, Afghanistan is having trouble ruling its territory and providing basic services to its people Most of Central Asia was under the rule of the Soviet Union (now Russia) until 1991 Many declared independence after that Read about Teens in Armenia on p. 465

5 II. People The population is not evenly distributed because of the rugged, mountainous terrain Most populous country- Afghanistan (almost 30 million people) US has about 300 million people The region is very ethnically diverse Answer questions 1 and 2 using the map on p. 463 Kazakstan

6 III. Culture/Religion Most people speak a form of Turkic, Indo-European, or Russian languages Most countries are predominantly Muslim Georgia and Armenia are Christian enclaves Enclave- territory that is ethnically or culturally different than surrounding larger cultures Read visual summary on p. 467

7 IV. Resources The main land uses are nomadic herding, livestock raising, and some farming Answer question 1 using the map on p. 476 Use the map to list the resources found in Central Asia

8 V. Troubled Waters Caspian Sea Dead Sea Aral Sea Pollution
Overfishing Iran exports sturgeon, so this threatens part of their economy Aral Sea Tributaries have been diverted for irrigation, destroying the fishing industry Fishermen working to revive Sea as a chain of lakes Look at satellite pictures on p. 483 and answer question below Dead Sea Water level has dropped 262 ft. over 40 years 90% of tributaries diverted for hydroelectric power They are building a canal to connect the Red Sea and Dead Sea

9 VI. Nuclear and Chemical Dangers
Central Asia inherited Soviet environmental problems Many nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons were tested in Kazakhstan during the Cold War Radiation contamination Also heavy industry carried out here Air pollution Toxic chemicals Infant mortality and health problems Complete map study on p. 484

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