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Modern Government.

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1 Modern Government

2 Types of Government/Political systems

3 Types of Government/Political systems

4 Democracy/ Liberalism
a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them under a free electoral system government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty

5 Communism system in which all property and resources are collectively owned by a classless society and not by individual citizens. activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single political party.

6 Socialism a system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state citizens have equal access to the products and resources and are compensated based on the amount of work performed. activity is at times controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single political party.

7 Fascism system led by a dictator and single party having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, Government controls all industry, commerce, trade, and military aggressive nationalism and often racist.

8 Anarchy The type of government where there is no government at all.
Every person is left to fight for themselves. This type of government usually ends up in people fighting over food, water, land and other things. There is no police to keep the peace.

9 Levels of Government Government in Canada is organized into three levels: federal, provincial, and municipal each with its own set of responsibilities. 

10 Federal the federal government is responsible for issues that affect Canada as a whole country such as international relations, immigration, criminal law, taxes, national defense, and foreign policy.

11 Provincial the provincial government is responsible for issues that affect the province as a whole such as education, health care, the environment, agriculture, and highways.

12 Municipal The municipal government decides on by-laws that deal with issues concerning their community such as public parks, libraries, social services, local police and fire services, garbage removal, recycling, and public transportation.

13 Branches of Government
Three branches work together to govern Canada: the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The branches of government operate at both the federal and the provincial levels because both provincial and federal governments are constitutionally recognized

14 Judicial interprets and applies the law.
operates independently from the other branches of government. Courts operate at both federal and provincial levels. The federal courts include the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Canada (Trial Division and Appellate Division), and the Tax Court. The provincial courts include the superior courts or courts of appeal in each province or territory.

15 Legislative the law-making branch
This branch is formally known as the Parliament of Canada and includes the monarch, the House of Commons, and the Senate.

16 Executive The executive branch is the decision-making branch, made up of the Monarch represented by the Governor General, the Prime Minister, and the Cabinet.

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