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Directions READ through the ENTIRE presentation before trying to do anything else. Explore the website and begin reading poems, watching video of past.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions READ through the ENTIRE presentation before trying to do anything else. Explore the website and begin reading poems, watching video of past."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions READ through the ENTIRE presentation before trying to do anything else. Explore the website and begin reading poems, watching video of past performances, and learning about the poets. Ask any questions you have as soon as possible.




5 Requirements You must select TWO poems ONE must be from the Pre-20th Century category ONE must be from the 25 Lines and Fewer category

6 Directions You will be selecting TWO poems from the poetry anthology on the website. You will be required to analyze the meaning of each poem and annotate both in detail. You will be required to memorize the poems and perform a dramatic reading for the class. You will be creating a PowerPoint to teach the class ONE of the poems. Submit your selected poems to Mr. Abbott for approval.

7 Submit your selected poems to Mr. Abbott for approval!!!
No poem is allowed to be used by more than one person!!! No exceptions!!!

8 Be sure you are selecting poems based on your ability to understand and explain the poem to others.
A short poem that you do not understand will not help your grade for this project. We will learn about many poetic techniques and devices in class, but you will have to apply your knowledge to your selected poem.

9 Requirements of the Poems
One poem must be 25 lines or less One poem must have been written before the 20th century

10 Poetry Analysis & Dramatic Reading
Poetry Out Loud Poetry Analysis & Dramatic Reading

11 Create the Following Slides as Placeholders
Title Slide (Name, Poem Title, Poet…) Biographical Information Organization/Structure/Form Imagery *Might Require Multiple Slides Poetic/Literary Terms *Might Require Multiple Slides Speaker Literal Meaning Figurative Meaning Author’s Purpose *THEME*

12 Suggestions Create a “master/model” slide with a few text boxes and simply duplicate it 10 times. Title each slide. Don’t try to force everything into a single slide if you feel it makes things too crowded on the screen. Use animations, text box properties, shapes, and any other PowerPoint tools/features to help create an effective presentation.

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