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Effaith rhaglenni dysgu teuluol ar godi lefelau llythrennedd a rhifedd plant ac oedolion The impact of family learning programmes on raising the literacy.

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1 Effaith rhaglenni dysgu teuluol ar godi lefelau llythrennedd a rhifedd plant ac oedolion The impact of family learning programmes on raising the literacy and numeracy levels of children and adults.

2 Cefndir Background Cyflwynwyd rhaglenni dysgu teuluol gan yr Asiantaeth Sgiliau Sylfaenol yng nghanol y 1990au i godi safonau llythrennedd a rhifedd rhieni a phlant. ‘Rhaglen Grantiau Awdurdodau Lleol ar gyfer y Blynyddoedd Cynnar’ Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n ariannu’r rhan fwyaf o’r rhaglenni. Family programmes were introduced by the Basic Skills Agency in the mid-1990s to raise the standards of literacy and numeracy of both parents and children. Most programmes are funded by the Welsh Government’s ‘Local Authority Early Years Grant Programme’.

3 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Mae darparwyr yn defnyddio ystod dda o wybodaeth i nodi cyfranogwyr yn y rhaglen. Maent yn fedrus o ran nodi a goresgyn rhwystrau rhag cyfranogi mewn cyrsiau. Fodd bynnag, nid yw’r ddarpariaeth a dargedir at ddynion yn benodol wedi’i datblygu’n ddigonol. Mae bron pob darparwr yn defnyddio modelau cyflwyno effeithiol ar gyfer cyrsiau sy’n para dros 12 awr. Providers use a good range of information to identify programme participants. They are adept at identifying and overcoming barriers to participation in courses. However, provision targeted specifically at men is underdeveloped. Nearly all providers use effective models of delivery for courses over 12 hours.

4 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Mae’r ddarpariaeth ar gyfer cyrsiau byr yn amrywio gormod rhwng darparwyr. Nid yw’r cyrsiau byr wedi’u strwythuro’n ddigon da i allu mesur y deilliannau. Mae llawer o rieni yn aros ar gyrsiau byr am gyfnod rhy hir. Mae’r rhaglenni’n diwallu anghenion plant yn dda, ac mae ysgolion yn monitro’u cynnydd yn effeithiol. Short course provision varies too much between providers. Short courses are not structured well enough for outcomes to be measured. Many parents remain on short courses for too long. Programmes meet the needs of children well and schools monitor their progress effectively.

5 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Ychydig iawn o ysgolion sy’n olrhain cynnydd tymor hir y plant neu’n mesur eu cynnydd yn erbyn plant nad ydynt wedi cymryd rhan yn y rhaglen. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o gydlynwyr yn llunio adroddiadau arfarnu defnyddiol. Fodd bynnag, mae llawer o awdurdodau lleol yn dibynnu gormod ar yr adroddiadau hyn, heb ddefnyddio data arall am ddeilliannau hefyd. Very few schools track the longer term progress of the children or measure their progress against children who have not taken part in the programme. Most co-ordinators produce useful evaluation reports. However, many local authorities rely too much on these reports, without using other outcome data too.

6 Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings
Local authorities do not collect data well enough to inform strategic planning in Children and Young People’s Partnership (CYPP) Plans. Due to the lack of data, it is difficult to judge overall progress or value for money. However, adult learners on long courses make good progress. Nid yw awdurdodau lleol yn casglu data’n ddigon da i lywio cynllunio strategol yng nghynlluniau’r Bartneriaeth Plant a Phobl Ifanc (PPPhI). Gan nad oes data ar gael, mae’n anodd barnu’r cynnydd cyffredinol o ran gwerth am arian. Fodd bynnag, mae dysgwyr sy’n oedolion ar gyrsiau hir yn gwneud cynnydd da

7 Argymhellion Recommendations
Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru: ddiwygio gweithrediad y rhaglen grantiau i gymell dilyniant dysgwyr o sesiynau rhagflas i gyrsiau ymgysylltu byr ac i raglenni achrededig hwy wedyn; amodi bod nifer gofynnol o oriau ar gyfer sesiynau rhagflas a rhaglenni ymgysylltu byr; mynnu bod darparwyr yn gosod targedau dilyniant, casglu data a mesur deilliannau;   The Welsh Government should: revise the operation of the grant programme to incentivise learner progression from taster sessions to short engagement courses and then to longer accredited programmes; stipulate a minimum number of hours for taster sessions and short engagement programmes; require providers to set progression targets, collect data and measure outcomes; and  

8 Argymhellion Recommendations
cyfyngu ar nifer yr adegau y gall dysgwr fynychu sesiynau rhagflas a chyrsiau ymgysylltu byr er mwyn annog dilyniant; diwygio canllawiau’r grant a ffurflenni hawlio i fynnu bod darparwyr dysgu teuluol yn dychwelyd digon o ddata i Lywodraeth Cymru a fydd yn ei galluogi i feincnodi deilliannau; a diwygio’r canllawiau ar gyfranogwyr sy’n oedolion i alluogi’r rhai y mae eu medrau ar lefel 1 i ymuno â’r rhaglen, lle mae’r ysgol wedi nodi y byddai eu plant yn elwa ar gymorth rhieni. restrict the number of times a learner can attend taster sessions and short engagement courses in order to encourage progression. revise grant guidelines and claim forms to require family learning providers return enough data to the Welsh Government that will allow benchmarking of outcomes; and revise the guidelines on adult participants to allow those who have skills at level 1 to join the programme, where the school has identified that their children would benefit from parental support.

9 Argymhellion Recommendations
Dylai awdurdodau lleol: weithio gyda phartneriaid eraill i osod targedau recriwtio sy’n canolbwyntio ar y rhai sydd fwyaf mewn angen; dadansoddi data recriwtio er mwyn gosod targedau recriwtio heriol ar gyfer y dyfodol; casglu data ar y gyfradd sy’n manteisio ymhlith y plant hynny y nodwyd eu bod yn gymwys; a Local authorities should: work with other partners to set recruitment targets focus on those most in need; analyse recruitment data in order to set challenging recruitment targets for the futures; collect data on the take-up rate among those children who are identified as eligible; and

10 Argymhellion Recommendations
sicrhau bod cynllunio strategol ar y cyd yn gwneud y mwyaf o’r holl adnoddau, yn cynnwys lleoliadau; cynnwys rhaglenni teuluol mewn cynlluniau PPPhI; a sicrhau ansawdd rhaglenni teuluol ar lefel strategol. monitro cynnydd plant a nodwyd ar gyfer y rhaglenni teuluol ond nad ydynt wedi cymryd rhan, yn ogystal â’r rhai sydd wedi’u cwblhau. ensure that joint strategic planning maximises the use of all resources, including venues; include family programmes in CYPP plans; and quality assure family programmes at a strategic level. monitor the progress of children who have been identified for the family programmes but who have not taken part, as well as those who have completed them.

11 Argymhellion Recommendations
Dylai darparwyr: gasglu data dysgwyr yn ôl rhywedd a datblygu cynllun i fynd i’r afael â’r diffyg yn nifer y dynion sy’n cymryd rhan mewn rhaglenni teuluol; asesu anghenion dysgwyr yn ffurfiol wrth iddynt ddechrau ar bob cwrs; olrhain cyrhaeddiad a dilyniant dysgwyr sy’n oedolion ar gyrsiau a defnyddio’r data hwn i gynllunio ar lefel strategol; a gosod targedau ar gyfer dilyniant dysgwyr o gyrsiau byr rhagflas/ymgysylltu i raglenni hir. Providers should: collect learner data by gender and develop a plan to address the shortfall of men participating in family programmes; formally assess learners’ needs on entry to all courses; track the attainment and progression of adult learners on courses and use this data to plan at a strategic level; and set targets for learner progression from taster/engagement short courses to long programmes.

12 Arfer orau Best practice
Newport Children and Young People’s Partnership are developing a joint planning log. Action The Children and Young People’s Partnership in Newport identified that parents may attend a number of inaugural meetings in the same week when a school is working with a number of initiatives. To address this they are producing a joint log of all partnership work. Mae Partneriaeth Plant a Phobl Ifanc Casnewydd yn datblygu cofnod cynllunio ar y cyd. Gweithredu Nododd y Bartneriaeth Plant a Phobl Ifanc yng Nghasnewydd y gallai rhieni fynychu nifer o gyfarfodydd agoriadol yn yr un wythnos pan fydd ysgol yn gweithio gyda nifer o fentrau. I fynd i’r afael â hyn, maent yn creu cofnod ar y cyd o’r holl waith partneriaeth.

13 Arfer orau Best practice
Canlyniad Bydd hyn yn lleihau’r dyblygu ac yn gwella targedu adnoddau. Bydd rhieni’n cael golwg glir ar yr holl opsiynau sydd ar gael iddynt a dealltwriaeth well o’r modd y maent yn cyd-fynd â’i gilydd. Outcome This will reduce duplication and improve the targeting of resources. Parents will have a clear view of all the options available to them and a better understanding of how they complement each other.

14 10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 10 questions for providers
Pa mor dda ydyn ni’n defnyddio ystod eang o ddata i osod targedau recriwtio? A ydyn ni wedi gosod targedau dilyniant campus i oedolion symud ymlaen o gyrsiau byr? A oes proses gadarn ar waith ar gyfer olrhain cynnydd plant dros nifer o flynyddoedd? A oes gennym gynllun clir i fesur cynnydd plant sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y rhaglenni yn erbyn y rhai nad ydynt wedi cymryd rhan? How well do we use a wide range of data to set recruitments targets? Have we set smart progression targets for adults to move on from short courses? Is there a robust process for tracking the progress of children over a number of years? Do we have a clear plan to measure the progress of children who have taken part in the programmes against those who haven’t?

15 10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 10 questions for providers
A yw ein cynllunio strategol yn gwneud y mwyaf o’r holl adnoddau sydd ar gael? Pa mor dda mae rhaglenni teuluol yn cael eu cynnwys mewn cynlluniau PPPhI? A ydyn ni wedi casglu data yn ôl rhywedd? Beth mae’r wybodaeth hon yn dweud wrthym? Does our strategic planning maximise the available resources? How well are family programmes included in CYPP plans? Have we collected data by gender? What does this information tell us?

16 10 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 10 questions for providers
Are courses aimed specifically at promoting a male role model part of the delivery plan? Is the data collection on the progress of adults in developing their skills sufficient to inform future planning? A yw cyrsiau yn cael eu targedu’n benodol at hyrwyddo rhan modelau rôl sy’n ddynion yn y cynllun cyflwyno? A yw’r trefniadau casglu data ar gynnydd oedolion wrth ddatblygu’u medrau yn ddigonol i lywio cynllunio yn y dyfodol?

17 http://www. estyn. gov. uk/download/publication/247037

18 Cwestiynau... Questions…

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