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Presentation on theme: "CITY COUNCIL PROCEDURES"— Presentation transcript:

Presented November 27, 2018 Moses Garcia City Attorney

2 Today’s Mission To foster an environment in which Council is able to efficiently and effectively govern.

3 How Create common ground rules on how Council Members interact with each other, City staff, outside presenters, and the public Develop Agenda scripts that inform the public of the process and their role Incorporate mechanisms to help move non-controversial Agenda Items through the approval process

4 Guiding Documents State law City Charter
#R Amended and Restated Rules of Procedure for the City Council of the City of Loveland, Colorado (Council’s Rules of Procedure) Robert’s Rules of Order

5 Where Council is Today Items pulled from the consent agenda are taken up after the regular agenda in the order they appeared. Mayor may limit conduct or activity that impairs the efficient function of Council. Council members should identify new business items by Thursday at 5 p.m. prior to the regular meeting. Rule of 4 is one method for future study session items to be scheduled by the City Manager. Speakers should provide a name and city of residence and can speak for up to 3 minutes. If representing 5 or more individuals, speaker may speak for up to 10 minutes.

6 Where Council is Today Everyone including CMs must be recognized by the Mayor before speaking. When citizens raise concerns, Council may ask for clarification before referring the concerns to the City Manager. Public comment on legislative matters (most ordinances) at first reading. Public testimony on quasi-judicial matters at first and second reading.

7 Council’s Interaction with Each Other
 Recognition by the Mayor before speaking The Mayor’s role in managing the meeting Point of Order Number of times a person speaks (v. call the question) Speaking for the Council

8 City Staff/Outside Presenter
Order of the Motion (reading the motion prior to or after public comment) Address all questions and comments through the Mayor Seek recognition from the Mayor prior to speaking, even for questions

9 The Public Public comment on legislative matters (mostly ordinances) and administrative matters (mostly resolutions) at regular and special meetings Public testimony on any matter requiring a hearing or for any quasi-judicial matters at regular and special meetings Removal of Audience Members

10 Managing Public Comment/Testimony
Public comment/testimony requirements: State law, Charter requirements and Council’s Rules of Procedure Status quo permits the public to speak on virtually all matters, including ordinances on first and second reading. No right to public comment/hearing on 2nd reading of Ordinances (except annexations and zoning by Council’s Rules of Procedure) No right to public comment/testimony after public comment/testimony period has closed on an item (at the current meeting or a meeting which continues an item or reconsiders an item). No right to public comment/testimony at Study Sessions (Council by consensus may ask questions and permit answers from audience members) No right to public comment on Non-action Items (personnel evaluations, information only items, seeking direction, executive sessions)

11 Inform the public by developing agenda scripts that explain the process and the public’s role
PUBLIC COMMENT: Anyone who wishes to speak to an item labeled as a Non- Action Item or to an item NOT on the Agenda may address the Council at this time. Non-Action items include any personnel evaluation, information only, or executive session item, or any item where Council direction is sought, but no formal City Council action will occur this evening. REGULAR AGENDA: Council will give anyone in the audience time to speak to any item labeled as a PUBLIC COMMENT or PUBLIC HEARING item on the Regular Agenda before acting upon it. The Mayor will call for public comment as part of the consideration of each item according to State law, the Charter, its Rules of Procedure and other legal requirements. Loveland’s Charter only requires that a majority of the quorum present vote in favor to adopt an ordinance on first reading. However, adopting an ordinance on second or final reading requires that at least five of the nine Council members vote in favor. Comment is not permitted during this portion of the meeting on items labeled as Non-Action Items.

12 Mechanisms to help move non-controversial Agenda Items
 GID #1, LURA, DDA, SID #1 Consent Agenda language: Council may act on behalf of the City, the General Improvement District #1, the Special Improvement District #1, or the Loveland Urban Renewal Authority. Items requiring a public hearing or other public participation that remain on the Consent Agenda are considered to have been opened and closed, in the name of the applicable legal entity that is required to take action to approve such items, with the information furnished in connection with these items considered as the only evidence presented. Adoption of the items remaining on the Consent Agenda is considered as adoption of the staff recommendation for those items.

13 When Presentation Material will be accepted at a meeting
Prior to meeting if published in the packet on the City’s website City versus City Council versus Outside Entity Including responses to City Council as part of the Agenda Packet

14 Next Steps Return to Council with an amended resolution on Council’s Rules of Procedure Modify the agenda to inform the public of the process and the public’s role


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