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The Progressive Era.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Era."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Era

2 Progressive Movement Reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.

3 1. Protecting social welfare:
Many groups were created to help the poor, women, children, and the generally less fortunate.

4 2. Promoting moral improvement:
These reformers wanted immigrants and poor people to uplift themselves by improving their personal behavior. Example: Prohibition.

5 3. Creating economic reform:
These reformers wanted to change the economy from capitalism to socialism. Eugene V. Debs (leader)

6 4. Fostering efficiency:
These reformers believed science was the key to make society and the workplace more efficient.

7 Muckraker Journalists who wrote about the corrupt side of business. (p. 532.)

8 More reforms… Local State – protecting working children, limit working hours, and election reforms (recall).

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