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Preschool Education Music.

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Presentation on theme: "Preschool Education Music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preschool Education Music

2 Music Benefits of Music Music Center Role of Teacher

3 Benefits of Music Creates a sense of ____________
Children learn new ___________ and _______ Provides an enjoyable background for playing, eating, and ______________ Makes learning fun Teaches children to __________ and to ____________ Builds an appreciation for different cultures Builds creativity Experiment with _____________ -Music is a powerful form of communication -Think back to the song you listened to as you entered the room (it creates a feeling/mood) -it is an important form of communication between adults and children -we sing and rock babies to sleep, play games “ring around a rose” -Benefits of music: (slide)

4 Benefits of music Children learn ___________, _________, and sound quality Does music help children grow cognitively? How music helps cognitive development: Memorize ________ to songs Learn musical __________ Concepts (slow/fast, loud/soft) Strengthens pathways in the ________ _____________ spatial intelligence Math and Science Children learn ___________, _________, and sound quality Does music help children grow cognitively? How music helps cognitive development: Memorize words to songs Learn musical notes Concepts (slow/fast, loud/soft) Strengthens pathways in the brain Develops spatial intelligence Math and Science

5 Music Center What do you need in a preschool “Music Center”?
When you think of the layout of a preschool room, where should the music area be? It should be located in an open section, instruments should be displayed.

6 Music center Place in an open area Display instruments on a table
Include: Drums Kazoos Melody bells Tambourines Cymbals Recorders

7 Music center When buying look for quality YOUR TURN 

8 The teacher’s role How can we promote music in the classroom?

9 The teachers role Do’s Don'ts Encourage musical expression
Be________________ Use a light pleasant voice Use music to lead class directions Know the ___________ Don'ts _________children to participate Use _________ Long or confusing pattern/melody Have a bad _________ Do’s Encourage musical expression Be enthusiastic Use a light pleasant voice Use music to lead class directions Know the song well Don'ts Force children to participate Use big words Long or confusing pattern/melody Have a bad attitude

10 The teachers role Teaching Songs
________Method: sing entire song, learn short phrases until whole song is learned ________Song Method: sing the whole song, children repeat whole song, use this only for short, repetitive songs ____________________ Method: sing a key phrase and repeat it, keep adding phrases until you have the whole song completed Phrase Method: sing entire song, learn short phrases until whole song is learned Whole Song Method: sing the whole song, children repeat whole song, use this only for short, repetitive songs Phrase/Whole Combination Method: sing a key phrase and repeat it, keep adding phrases until you have the whole song completed

11 Fingerplays A helpful technique for teaching listening skills
The words in fingerplays help to reinforce movements Example: Teapot Should be short and sweet  Assignment Create a song or a fingerplay

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