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Getting Ready Make sure your laptop is online.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Ready Make sure your laptop is online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Ready Make sure your laptop is online.
Take out your purpose statement and research question(s). Take out variables of your study (from Dr. Andrew Barton). Go to Go to

2 Dissertation Alignment & Funneling
Dr. Tamerin Capellino Dr. Jeffrey Lee January 15, 2018 Immersion Day 3

3 Where we are headed… Checking for Alignment Identifying a Research Gap
Creating a Dissertation Funnel Introduction, Background, Problem Statement and Significance Tips Identifying Key Variables & Frequency Relatedness & Situating Your Study

4 Developing a Funnel in Prospectus




8 Identifying the Research Gap
Authors who recommend additional research on your proposed topic: Similar studies (but conducted with a different population, geographical location, etc.): Research related to your study you can build upon that may have had methodological flaws and/or limitations:  *Usually you can find this information under “Recommendations for Future Research” found in Chapter 5 of a dissertation

9 Identifying the Research Gap
Authors who recommend additional research on your proposed topic: Similar studies (but conducted with a different population, geographical location, etc.): Research related to your study you can build upon that may have had methodological flaws and/or limitations:  Jensen, 2005 Sayler, 2003; Shen, 1997, Shockley, 2001; Zeichner & Schulte, 2001 Bradley, 2006; Pawlitschek, 1986

10 Last Paragraph of Problem Statement (GAP)
Despite numerous studies that have evaluated the characteristics and effectiveness of alternatively certified teachers in comparison to their traditionally trained counterparts (Sayler, 2003; Shen, 1997, Shockley, 2001; Zeichner & Schulte, 2001), few studies have examined school site administrators’ characteristics or how their preparation and/or certification route may influence their leadership performance (Bradley, 2006; Pawlitschek, 1986). More specifically, since California initiated certification via examination relatively recently, in 2003, no research has been conducted on this specific pool of site administrators (Jensen, 2005). Purpose Statement The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate and compare supervisors' assessments of traditionally certified site administrators and administrators certified via examination on leadership performance as measured by the ISLLC Standards for School Leaders.

11 Problem Statement & Purpose Alignment
Notice the alignment between the Problem Statement and the Purpose. The Purpose should be a natural extension of the Problem Statement and clearly fill the gap you just illustrated in the Problem Statement and emphasized in the last paragraph. Similar phrasing should be used so it is clear the gap and purpose are aligned.

12 Problem Statement/Gap Exercise
It is clear that some literature is beginning to emerge in the area of developing countries conducting teacher training in the area of technology. This review of literature, although comprehensive in scope, only revealed four related articles, all of which are out of the context of Nepal. Nevertheless, the need for research in the area of Nepal’s teacher training with technology is necessary and urgently needed. Practice writing a Purpose Statement – aligned to this gap.

13 What is Funneling?

14 Identifying Topics/Sub-Topics

15 Synthesis Matrix Alternative Certification
Role of School Administrators Principal Training Traditional Principal Preparation Alternative Certification Shortage ISLLC SLLA Bradley, P. (2006).  X X Normore, A. (2006).

16 The Role of School Administrators National School Administrator Shortage California School Administrator Shortage Traditional Administrator Preparation Alternative Certification California School Administrator Certification ISLLC Standards SLLA GAP Purpose RQs

17 Handout in Google Drive


19 Three Hurdles to Technology Integration: A Case Study of Technology Integration in Bungamati

20 Journal of NELTA - Vol 18, No 1-2 (2013)
w/10334/8402 Parameters of the journal Background of study Key Variables: Education, Technology, Teacher Training, ICT, Nepal

21 Frequency Count For Key Variables

22 Funnel leads to a problem!
(Taken from study…) There are a few interesting points that warrant deeper discussion. They are as follows: Nepal + Education + Technology yielded 41 hits. Upon reviewing these 41 articles, it was very clear that most were not related to the topic of this study. Instead, most focused on the area computer science education in Nepal. Nepal + Education + ICT yielded 1 hit. The article Tackling The Problems of Quality and Disparity in Nepal’s School Education: The OLPC Model (Bhatta, 2008) looks at the impact of the One Laptop Per Child program in Nepal. The focus of this article is still not directly related to this study. Both Nepal + Teacher Training + Technology and Nepal + Teacher Training + ICT should have yielded the proper peer reviewed articles related to this study. But as evidenced, the searches yielded zero results.

23 Unpacking Relatedness
Teacher Training With Technology in Developing Countries According to Figure 1, a search for the key words “Developing Countries” + “Teacher Training” + “Technology” yielded 92 articles. These 92 related articles were worth investigating, despite the lack of Nepali context.

24 Continued… According to literature, teacher training with technology in developing countries appear in a few other developing countries. For example, according to Grunfeld, the Open Distance Learning (ODL) movement has become extremely popular in Cambodia, another developing country in South Asia. There is drastic development in using ODL to complement face-to-face education. (Grunfeld & Ng, 2013) With advances in technology, new platforms for learning are leveraged for knowledge sharing and creation.

25 Continued... Similarly, in Jordan, technology has gained popularity with government officials and teachers. In fact, the Ministry of Education recently adopted several technology training courses aimed at preparing teachers to integrate technology effectively across the curriculum (Abuhmaid, 2011). Abuhmaid’s study is a landmark study citing the importance of providing teachers proper training in integrating technology.

26 Frequency Count Activity -
Key Words Used (Pick 3 variables) Frequencies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (A + B + C)

27 Components of Prospectus

28 Introduction Sets the stage for the specifics of the prospectus and introduces the reader to the context for the problem. Draw the reader in immediately by creating interest. Consider using statistics or bold statements made by leaders in the field. The introduction begins with the global setting in which the problem exists and then moves systematically through the “funnel”, narrowing down the problem from the macro setting to the micro setting. Includes a brief introduction of the elements and variables (topics/sub-topics) that form the foundation for the study.

29 Background The elements and variables (topics and sub-topics) listed in your funnel and introduced in the Introduction are expanded in the Background and will eventually be thoroughly described in detail in Chapter 2 of your actual dissertation. The topics/sub-topics should be organized logically by using proper level headings. Use APA headings to give your topics depth. Include a brief historical perspective. Introduce theories or conceptual framework related to your topic. Introduce landmark or seminal works related to your study.

30 Problem Statement The problem statement focuses primarily on the tail end of the “funnel” and must make a compelling argument that there is indeed a “problem” to be studied and create a sense of urgency. Discuss the various degrees of agreement among the experts. Specific language should be used to demonstrate where there may be opposing viewpoints of authors. After reading the problem statement, the reader should know precisely why the study is being conducted and be convinced of its importance (the SO WHAT?) It must be clear how the proposed study will attempt to answer an aspect of this problem and fill a gap in the literature in a unique and scholarly manner. (You can NOT just say “there is no research”).

31 Purpose Statement The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify and describe the unique needs of twins enrolled in center-based preschools and the program practices experts and practitioners believed to be important to address those needs. RQ1: What are the unique needs of twins enrolled in center-based preschools? RQ2: What are the program practices experts and practitioners believed to be important to address those needs?

32 Purpose Research Question
The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate and compare supervisors' assessments of traditionally certified site administrators and administrators certified via examination on leadership performance as measured by the ISLLC Standards for School Leaders. Research Question RQ1: What percentage of traditionally certified principals demonstrate each of the six ISLLC Standards for School Leaders at the "highly effective," "effective," "ineffective," and "highly ineffective" levels, as assessed by their supervisors?

33 Have you used the same phrasing for your variables?
Have you used the same phrasing for your study population? Does the language of your purpose statement accurately reflect the methodology being used? Does the purpose encompass your RQ’s and vice versa?

34 Significance – How Does Your Study Relate?
How does your study explore an important issue, meet a recognized need, or fill in a gap in the literature? Who will benefit from the results of your study (think of all possible stakeholders)? What may be potential benefits of your study? What is the potential impact of your study in the field?

35 The Role of School Administrators National School Administrator Shortage California School Administrator Shortage Traditional Administrator Preparation Alternative Certification California School Administrator Certification ISLLC Standards SLLA GAP Purpose RQs Chapter 1/Prospectus Funnel

36 Expand Your Funnel & Create an Outline for Chapter 2
The History of School Administration The Role of School Administrators National School Administrator Shortage California School Administrator Shortage Administrator Preparation Traditional Administrator Preparation Alternative Certification California School Administrator Certification Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards Standard 1—Shared Vision Standard 2—School Culture Standard 3—Management Standard 4—Collaboration Standard 5—Professional Ethics Standard 6—Community Advocating School Leaders Licensure Assessment California Administrator Profile Gender Ethnicity Education Level Expand Your Funnel & Create an Outline for Chapter 2


38 Synthesize the Literature
“Note that a synthesis very often will not result in a single, straightforward conclusion. Instead, it might consist of speculation on how the pieces of evidence found in literature fit together along with some tentative conclusions and a discussion of their implication. This often leads to suggestions for future research…” (Pan, 2016 P. 3)

39 Use of Direct Quotations
Use sparingly! “A [writer] should strive to write a review that flows smoothly and is cohesive. Frequent use of quotations can produce a choppy review that is uneaven in style. Thus, quotations should be used very sparingly.” (Pan, 2016 P. 61) Block Quotes Direct Quotes Paraphrasing

40 Threading it Together

41 Use Transitional Words & Phrases
Transition sentences In a more recent study, Mulford (2003) asserts… Lankford, O'Connell, and Wyckoff (2003) report… A report by the ACSA Task Force on Administrator Shortage (2001) contradicts previous findings…. However, according to Bottoms and O'Neill (2001),…

42 Handout in Google Drive

43 What are your three take-aways?

44 “A good dissertation is a done dissertation.”
-Ancient Grad Student Proverb

45 Epsilon Challenge

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