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Texture The Elements of Design.

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1 Texture The Elements of Design

2 Texture Texture is the tactile quality of a surface.
Texture can be actual or visual, and can be found or invented. ACTUAL & FOUND Actual texture is real and can be felt through our sense of touch. Actual textures can be found in materials such as granite, brick, bark, glass, steel, and velvet. ACTUAL & INVENTED Actual texture can also be invented by artists when they work with three dimensional materials such as clay, plaster, or thick paint. VISUAL & FOUND Visual texture is an illusion on a flat surface that can only be perceived with our sense of sight. Visual texture can simulate real, found textures such as rock, wood, sand, or glass. VISUAL & INVENTED Visual texture can also be invented by artists through the imaginative use of value and colour on a flat surface.

3 Texture Exercise Find and create examples in your sketchbooks of the four kinds of texture. Label them clearly.

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