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Q2 What are the major forms of precipitation?

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Presentation on theme: "Q2 What are the major forms of precipitation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q2 What are the major forms of precipitation? Compare the forms of precipitation. How are they alike? Different? Compare water and air. How are they alike? Different?

2 Condensed water falling from clouds
Rain: Condensed water falling from clouds

3 Snow: Water vapor that freezes slowly to form crystals

4 Sleet: water in liquid state that freezes as it nears the earth

5 Freezing Rain: liquid water that freezes when it touches an object

6 Hail: solid state of water that freezes as a process of rising & falling in a storm

7 Rain, snow,, sleet, freezing rain, hail?

8 Fluids: Take the shape of their container

9 What would happen if you put a water balloon in the freezer?
What would happen if you put a balloon filled with air in the freezer?

10 Ahhhh....I remember this!

11 Layers of atmosphere (From the top)
Thermosphere: *temperature, decreases as you get closer to Earth * pressure increases closer to Earth

12 thermosphere: Not as many molecules on top of it = LOWER AIR PRESSURE
Further away from ground = GREATER TEMPERATURE (no protection from Sun) Largest layer Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)

13 Layers of atmosphere Mesosphere: Temperature is coldest near the top but gets warmer closer to Earth

14 Mesosphere: Temperature starts warm but decreases to the coldest of atmosphere= -90 Celsius Meteorites disintegrate here

15 *Temperature stays close to the same
Layers of atmosphere Stratosphere: *Temperature stays close to the same * halfway; Ozone layer

16 stratosphere Ozone is here! Temperature top 2/3 is coldest
Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation which provides heat Ozone is here!

17 Layers of atmosphere Troposphere: Bottom layer; Weather occurs here;
Temp increases closer to Earth

18 Gradually cools with height
troposphere Nearest the ground Gradually cools with height Greatest pressure Varies in thickness Weather occurs here Airplanes fly here

19 Read the atmosphere article.
Your task: Read the atmosphere article. Graph the data from the table on the coordinate grid. Use your graph to answer the questions.

20 Exit Ticket Sort the following: Snow Air Rain Hail
Helium Milk Ice Sleet Oxygen Cloud 2 choices


22 It's plane to see!

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