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Chrome Book bundle kits

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1 Chrome Book bundle kits

2 Chrome Book bundle kits- what’s included?
ITEM QUANTITIES DESCRIPTION Device type 31 Lenovo 300e Chromebooks 30 GoGuardian classroom management licenses Chrome management license 1 Lock 'n' Charge trolley Chrome Book bundle kits- what’s included?

3 Chrome Book bundle kits Lenovo 300e chromebooks (2nd Gen)
360-degree hinge and 10-point multitouch technology. And students can interact with the screen the way they’re used to interacting with most devices—through touch Built tough with rubber bumpers, reinforced ports and hinges, and mechanically anchored keys

4 Chrome Book bundle kits
Lock ‘n’ charge trollies Charge, store, secure and transport up to 30 devices. The Carrier 30 is designed to make life easier for Chromebooks Chrome Book bundle kits

5 Chrome Book bundle kits
With GoGuardian Teacher, you can focus on helping your students instead of policing their devices. Chrome Book bundle kits

6 Chrome Book bundle kits
100 bundle kits only available, on a first come first served basis, one per school Cost: £6,541 per bundle Options re warranties and etching

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