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Vocabulary Workshop Book B Unit 4

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1 Vocabulary Workshop Book B Unit 4
By: Olivia Alvarez

2 1. Alliance Definition: A joining together for some common purpose.
Added(A union or association formed for mutual benefit.) Synonym: Pact Added(Association, Union)

3 2. Bewilder Definition: To puzzle completely.
Added(Cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.) Synonym: Confound Added(Baffle, Mystify)

4 3. Buffoon Definition: A clown, or stupid person.
Added(A ridiculous but amusing person.) Synonym: Jester Added(Wit, Fool)

5 4. Controversial Definition: Arousing argument.
Added(Giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement.) Synonym: Arguable Added(Disputable, Debatable)

6 5. Dishearten Definition: To discourage.
Added(Cause (someone) to lose determination or confidence.) Synonym: Demoralize Added(Disappoint, Dispirit)

7 6. Fruitless Definition: Not producing the desired results.
Added(Failing to achieve the desired results.) Synonym: Useless Added(Idle, Vain)

8 7. Hostile Definition: Unfriendly Added(Unfriendly; antagonistic.)
Synonym: (Unkind, Bitter, Vicious)

9 8. Inflammable Definition: Easily set on fire.
Added(Capable of being set on fire.) Synonym: Flammable Added(Combustible, Incendiary)

10 9. Inflict Definition: To give or cause something unpleasent.
Added(To be suffered by someone or something.) Synonym: Deal out Added(Impose, Force)

11 10. Malignant Definition: Deadly or extremely harmful.
Added(Very virulent or infectious.) Synonym: Wicked Added(Dangerous, Deadly)

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