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Schematic of AIMS-to-MRM experiment.

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1 Schematic of AIMS-to-MRM experiment.
Schematic of AIMS-to-MRM experiment. In this approach, serum or plasma is depleted of abundant proteins and minimally processed with optional standard addition of labeled proteins. In parallel, a panel of candidate proteins for screening is analyzed to generate a list of target (m/z, z) pairs for AIMS. Note that some peptides may be represented by more than one target on the list if multiple charge states are expected. The boxed portion of the schematic illustrates the selectivity power of accurate mass screening and how the MS/MS spectra are integrated into MRM assay development. The shaded pink area indicates the ±7.5-ppm window used in the study. Jacob D. Jaffe et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2008;7: © 2008 The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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