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Unit VIII Cornell D EQ: Trace the origin of Latinos in the United States and how did Latinos campaign for civil rights and economic justice in the 1960’s?

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1 Unit VIII Cornell D EQ: Trace the origin of Latinos in the United States and how did Latinos campaign for civil rights and economic justice in the 1960’s?

2 Latino= AMERICANS of Latin American descent
During the 1960’s many Latinos encountered Prejudice and DISCRIMINATION. They lived in SEGREGRATED neighborhoods called “BARRIO”= Spanish speaking neighborhoods. Latinos demanded EQUAL opportunity and respect for their CULTURE and HERITAGE. Latinos are a large and DIVERSE group. 1940’s-1960’s, the Latino population grew from 3 Million to more than 9 MILLION. Latinos have come to the United States primarily from MEXICO, CUBA, PUERTO RICO, Dominican Republic, South America and Central America.

3 I. Latino Origins MEXICAN Americans=
1848 Mexico ceded California and Southwest territories to the U.S. after the Mexican American war.100,000 Mexicans living in this region are now FOREIGNERS ’s Mexican revolution approx. 1 MILLION immigrants. 1930’s: Repatriation ’s BRACERO Program= importation of temporary workers from Mexico est. 7 MILLION more making permanent residence in US.

4 Latino Origins Con’t PUERTO Ricans= CUBAN American= 1898 P.R.’s began immigrating to the US after the occupation of the island during the SPANISH American War 900,000 P.R’s were living in the U.S. by 1960—half a million live in New York 1959 Cubans began settling in New York and FLORIDA to flee Fidel Castro’s Communist rule 350,000 by 1974

5 Operation Peter Pan 14,000 kids

6 1980 Mariel Boatlift

7 125,000 refugees

8 A. The Farm Workers Movement= Latinos fight for EQUALITY and better ECONOMIC conditions
1962 Cesar Chavez and Delores HUERTA established the United Farm Workers (UFW). They believed farm workers had to UNIONIZE STRIKES--in order to gain more strength to BARGAIN or negotiate for better conditions and pay.

9 A. The Farm Workers Movement= Latinos fight for EQUALITY and better ECONOMIC conditions
Chavez believed in non-violent economic BOYCOTTS (grapes) and MARCHES (Delano to Sacramento) (18:35-24:25) By 1970 the UFW was finally recognized and negotiated for higher WAGES and other benefits.

10 B. Culture Pride= Latinos focus on HERITAGE and EDUCATION
Young Mexicans began to call themselves “CHICANOS or Chicanas”— In the 1960s "Chicano" was accepted as a symbol of self-determination and ethnic PRIDE.

11 B. Culture Pride= Latinos focus on HERITAGE and EDUCATION (3:00-16:18)
“BROWN power” movements were inspired across the country  BLACK power and farm worker movements. Action group called the “BROWN BERETS” organized student walkouts— They demanded smaller classes, more Chicano TEACHERS and administrators.

12 B. Culture Pride= Latinos focus on HERITAGE and EDUCATION
In 1968, congress passed the Bilingual EDUCATION Act, which provided funds for schools to develop bilingual and CULTURE heritage programs.

13 C. Political Power=Latinos began to organize POLTICALLY (0:00-5:23)
1. Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) Created as a means to elect Mexican American to POLITICAL OFFICE Helped ELECT 8 members in the H.O.R. and 1 senator from New Mexico.

14 C. Political Power=Latinos began to organize POLTICALLY
2. LULAC (The League of United Latin American Citizens) Fought to de-SEGREGATE public schools throughout the southwest LAWSUITS filed in the courts Legal VICTORIES included the 1947 MENDEZ v. Westminster Court ruling  Declared that segregating children of "Mexican and Latin descent“ was UNCONSTITUTIONAL

15 C. Political Power=Latinos began to organize POLTICALLY
3. La RAZA UNIDA (Mexican-American United PARTY) Founded as an alternative to the two party system Won ELECTIONS for mayors, city council, and school boards throughout the Southwest U.S. (50:02—53:57)

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