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Week of: March *Third Grade News*

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1 Week of: March 25-29 *Third Grade News*
Mrs. Kennedy’s News Math: We will continue our unit on division. We will start learning about remainders. Please keep practicing those facts with flash cards at home. It makes a huge difference for your child if they are fluent in their math facts. Science: Our next SCIENCE TEST will be on Thursday March 28. We will finish up the unit on Monday and a study packet will be sent home. Our class website has study material on it. They will need to label our solar system, the phases of the moon, and study the yellow vocab words from unit 10. Bible: Next week we will read about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Reading: We will finish up our novel study on Stone Fox and move into our Poetry unit. Writing: Students will be in stations doing creative writing. Word Work: We will continue our Prefix Unit by practicing adding dis-, mis- and pre- to root words. Language: Students will begin reviewing our language rules for our end of grade test. We will look at editing sentences and review parts of speech Supplies Test It’s that time of year where your child is needing new markers or crayons. Please check in with them to see what supplies they are missing from class. 3/28 – Science Test 3/29 Bible Verse Test – Romans 1:16 Dates to Remember!! $1 for Bruno April 19 – Good Friday School Closed April Easter Break April 28 – Testing Begins

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