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9th Grade Week 14 Agenda & Obj. 12/2-12/6

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Presentation on theme: "9th Grade Week 14 Agenda & Obj. 12/2-12/6"— Presentation transcript:

1 9th Grade Week 14 Agenda & Obj. 12/2-12/6
Monday: Unit Test Tuesday: Writing Wednesday: Pre-reading/Debate Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text… connotative… Analyze how complex characters… develop… Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… By the end of Gr.9, read and comprehend literature… Thursday: Reading Friday: Movie?

2 Daily Writing: Happiness 12/2/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ~Dalai Lama “Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.” ~Dale Carnegie Planner Due TONIGHT or print for tomorrow: 5 part essay.

3 Turn in your novels by tomorrow.
Monday: Unit Test When you’re done, raise your hand and read silently (if you don’t have something to read, I’ll give you an article). Turn in your novels by tomorrow.

4 Daily Writing: Anger 12/3/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ~Buddha “For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Planner Due Monday: your second draft essay (or print for Tuesday) with a strong thesis and hook, good topic sentences, and at least 2 new examples or explanation per body paragraph.

5 If you don’t have an essay:
Tuesday: Revising Hand in your novel. If you don’t have an essay: Work on it during class (you will lose out on your participation points). For ½ credit for the revision activity, find someone outside of class to revise your essay by tomorrow. What is “revising” and how is it different than “editing?” Tips: Have a SOLID/strong thesis. Have a solid topic sentence for each body paragraph. EXPLAIN yourself as clearly & concisely as possible. Don’t be repetitive, and try to avoid unnecessary words, but make sure you explain each point and example (pretend your readers have NO idea).

6 What’s a good topic sentence?
Tuesday: Revising What’s a strong thesis? A is B because of X, Y, & Z What’s a good topic sentence? First, A is B because of X. Example of clear support? Read sample essay.

7 Tuesday: Revising Switch papers and peer revisers:
Put a smiley face  next to a STRONG thesis and a good hood, a frowny face next to a weak thesis or a boring/confusing hook, or a question mark in the intro paragraph if you can’t find them. Underline each topic sentence and put a plus sign (+) if its a good one or a minus sign (-) if its weak. Number each NEW supporting detail for each paragraph. Put brackets [ ] around sentences that are unclear or sound “weird.” In the margins, make suggestions for additions or ask questions (at LEAST one idea/question per body paragraph). Write two comments on the back: one comment about what you liked about the paper, and one thing they should work on. Sign your name. 2nd draft using your own critical eye and peer suggestions by Monday. Keep marked up copy to turn in with revision!

8 Daily Writing: Siblings 12/4/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: I could write a book on coping with brothers and sisters… The best time I had with my brother/sister was when… Planner Due tomorrow: actively read a summary of Act I. Due Monday: your second draft essay (or print for Tuesday) with a strong thesis and hook, good topic sentences, and at least 2 new examples or explanation per body paragraph.

9 Homework: Actively read summary of Romeo & Juliet Act I.
Wednesday: My Opinion Homework: Actively read summary of Romeo & Juliet Act I. Look back at your agree/disagree worksheet. Has your opinion changed? Journal title: My Opinions After TKMB Choose at least two statements and explain how events in TKMB has either reinforced or changed your opinion. Use examples from the text.

10 Wednesday: Romeo and Juliet
Fill out the Theme Anticipation Guide: Agree/Disagree & WHY! Debate! One voice, please. RESPECT your peers. After the debate: Journal title: Agree/Disagree Reflection Was there anything you wanted to say but didn’t? Explain. Did your opinion of any of the statements change after the debate? Why or why not? What do you predict that this play will be about based on these statements and your research?

11 Daily Writing: Paths 12/5/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: Robert Frost write a poem titled “The Road Not Taken.” Name a road you’ve always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you? What might you see on the way? Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t. What has prevented you from doing it? Planner Due Monday: your second draft essay (or print for Tuesday) with a strong thesis and hook, good topic sentences, and at least 2 new examples or explanation per body paragraph. Don’t forget to turn in your marked-up draft with it! Memorize vocab Act I by Monday.

12 Thursday: Romeo & Juliet
Hand in R&J agree/disagree if you didn’t yesterday and show me your actively read summary. KEEP THIS!! Pg. 804 Vocab! Notebook title: R&J Vocab Act I Write the words and definitions of the vocab on pg. 804 Cut a piece of paper into fours and write the definition on one side.

13 Thursday: Romeo & Juliet
Textbooks pg. 801: Dialogue & State Directions & Background. Tips on reading Shakespeare: Think of it as translating… For long soliloquies, re-read the first few and last lines. Use your resources:

14 Daily Writing: Alone 12/6/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: Describe the longest amount of time you’ve ever been away from home. What do you do to entertain yourself? Do you like being alone? Why or why not? Planner Due Monday: your second draft essay (or print for Tuesday) with a strong thesis and hook, good topic sentences, and at least 2 new examples or explanation per body paragraph.Don’t forget to turn in your marked-up draft with it!

15 Friday: Watch R&J Movie
Notebook title: R & J Movie Act I Take copious notes on the movie! Who are the characters? What are they like (personalities? dreams?) What’s going on in the plot? Fill out the worksheet (except #3) and hand it in before you leave class. Tone: attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience: i.e. formal, informal, playful, serious, etc. Mood: Emotional setting: i.e. calm, peaceful, suspenseful, etc.

16 Hot Seat Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: “What would you do if you won the lottery?” “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” Questions can be funny, too, such as: “What was your most embarrassing moment?” “What was your proudest moment?” “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”

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