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Presentation on theme: "Solids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solids

2 Properties of Solids Particles are moving (vibrating)
Strong attractive forces Most order Not fluid

3 Density Particles tightly packed= (usually) most dense form of matter
Water is an exception ice floats because solid water is less dense than liquid water (H bonding in solid form result in particles being further apart than in liquid form) Increasing pressure does not change volume

4 Crystalline Solids Particles arranges in an orderly, geometric structure.

5 Unit Cell The smallest arrangement of atoms in a crystal that has the same symmetry as the whole crystal


7 Categories of Crystalline Solids

8 Amorphous Solids Particles not arranged in a regular, repeating pattern. (no crystals) Without shape Often formed when molten material cools too quickly for crystals to form Ex: glass, rubber, plastic

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