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Budgeting for a Baby.

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Presentation on theme: "Budgeting for a Baby."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budgeting for a Baby

2 Car/renters Insurance Telephone
Budget Category Amount/Month Food $500 Utilities $180 Car/renters Insurance $1800/yr. 1800/12= $150 Telephone $60 Medical $155 Auto Loan Payment $200 Clothing and laundry $75 Car Expenses $150 Credit Card Payments $110 Home Maintenance Recreation Exercises=$10/week Golf=$10/week $80 Entertainment =$160 Miscellaneous $100 Housing $750 Savings TOTAL Monthly Expenses $2,

3 Fixed Expenses Car/renters insurance medical Credit card payments
Housing Utilities Telephone Auto Loan Payment

4 Flexible Expenses Food Clothing and laundry Recreation Car expenses
Miscellaneous Savings

5 Higher Expenses After Baby
Food Medical Clothing and Laundry Miscellaneous

6 Cut Expenses Food Clothing and Laundry Recreation Car Expenses
Home Maintenance Miscellaneous

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