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Free Early Education & Childcare Briefing Spring 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Free Early Education & Childcare Briefing Spring 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Early Education & Childcare Briefing Spring 2019

2 Agenda Welcome Families First Presentation
Early Years & Childcare Updates Networking Close

3 Early Years Updates Narrowing the Gap Events
Early Years Professional Development Fund Early Years Finance Update from HFL Family Centres / CBIS / SALT/ Childcare Sufficiency National

4 Narrowing the Gap Events
One of Ofsted’s priorities is how early years providers are supporting vulnerable children. The events will be looking at: sharing good practice identifying children who may need extra help planning to meet their needs. a copy of the HFL narrowing the gap toolkit to support your work contribution towards staff cover, to enable you to attend and lunch .

5 Narrowing the Gap Events
The dates of the narrowing the gap events are: Monday 1 April, pm, Hertfordshire Development Centre, Stevenage, SG1 2FQ. You can book on to these events via the Herts for Learning website.

6 Early Years Professional Development Fund
Govnt Initiative – linked to Early Language Gap Offering training to EYPs in Numeracy, Literacy and Early Language by a National Training Provider Require champions to come forward to be trained who would then deliver the training to other professions in partnerships / networks across the county LA identify champions and partnerships / networks Awaiting more details possible start in Sept 2019

7 Early Years Finance Budget share information and all payments – Finance Section of EY Portal Childminders no budget share payment based on funding submission New Parent Declaration Form from 1st April – only signed once unless changes occur Information on Submission and payment dates on Provider pages

8 Early Years Finance 19 -20 Ist week of April – Is Summer term !
Always check eligibility codes of both 2 yrs olds and 30 hours children before offering a place Hourly Rates Increase from 1st April 2019 : 2 yr olds - £5.35p per hour 3/4 & 30 Hours - £5.10p per hr

9 Update from HFL New Inspection Framework in Sept 2019
The new EIF will focus on the Quality of Education and the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum on children’s learning and development. Inspection will involve gaining clear evidence showing the intended learning outcomes, how well the learning has been implemented and the impact on the children. Behaviour and Attitudes – (covers attendance, attitudes to learning, respect and behaviour)

10 Update from HFL Personal Development - Health & Wellbeing, British values, Equality and preparing for next stage of learning (School) Leadership and management – including safeguarding, greater focus on using books with all ages of children

11 Family Centres / CBIS / SALT
Family Centres delivering networks for Providers Family Centres crucial in the delivery of 2 year old FEE take up – Golden Ticket CBIS Business Support Contract extended for another year - SALT -  

12 National Updates Eligibility checking service guides
HMRC have produced guidance for the childcare service. This has been broken down into the following: parents providers You can view this guidance at Tax Free Childcare – 476 Herts Providers sign up – 25%

13 Information for Providers / Parents
You can get information from These pages include detail on: Childcare Business Support Free Early Education Information Access EY Portal and Funding Guidance For Parents Free early education entitlements

14 Free Early Education and Childcare Team
Melany McQueen Strategy Manager: Early Childhood Services David Shevlane Development & Commissioning Manager Pam Taylor Development & Commissioning officer Welwyn & Hatfield, Hertsmere, Dacorum & St Albans Pablo Benvenutto Stevenage, North Herts , East Herts , Watford , Three Rivers & Broxbourne

15 thank you

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