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Time Management Strategies and Tools

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1 Time Management Strategies and Tools
Cheri Sclater, Teacher Business and Computer Science


3 Activity #1 You have $86,400 to spend any way you wish
The only restrictions are you cannot bank any money If you do not use any of the money you lose it

4 Activity #2 Write down 10 things you did at work yesterday.

5 Activity #2 Next, on a separate sheet of paper, jot down 5 topics you expect to discuss at your next appraisal/performance review

6 Activity#2 Look at the 2 lists and mark in some way on the first list all the things which have a direct link to the second list.

7 Today’s objectives are:
Discuss the common stresses for teens Take control of homework Time management strategies Time management tools

8 Teens and Time Management – Not words heard together…
Teens do have good memories and can track recurring activities Routines and Schedules Teens who keep some form of written schedule (planner) are more likely to reach their goals School, Family, Sports Schedules

9 Common stresses for teens:
Education Tests (AP, IB, SAT, ACT) GPA Finals Week Family Expectations Social Life Friends Relationships Activities

10 Activity #3 Ace of Spades

11 Tips for managing Stress and Anxiety
Exercise 3 to 5 times per week for at least 30 minutes Relax your muscles Stretching Hot bath Deep breathing exercises There are lots of methods – find one you are comfortable doing Eat well and get plenty of sleep! Talk about it

12 Take control of homework
So it doesn’t control your students Create the area or space to study Make a list of everything that needs to get done and note the deadlines. Do the more difficult subjects\assignments first Keep things in perspective by knowing the weight of assignments or tests Make good use of Seminar time

13 Know when your productive time is:
Is your student a morning person or a night person? You will be more efficient if you work when you’re at your best

14 Missed School Time Avoid undue stress by planning
Most teachers have an accessible on-line portal for their classes Students should check the system before returning to school Touch base with a friend

15 Where is the time going… Tick, Tock
Analyze how students are currently spending their time Track for one week how they’re spending their time Find the hidden time

16 Successful time management strategies for teens
Every night plan out the next day. What time do I need to wake up? Stick with what works – technology vs planner Schedule fixed commitments then put in time to complete projects, study, and time for yourself, etc. Set a timeframe for priorities

17 Successful time management strategies for teens
Have work with you, that way any extra time you might have during the day you can take advantage After you arrive at class, quickly review notes and other information Remember that “BIG” projects are lots of little projects Break tasks down into doable chunks Reward yourself and take breaks

18 Procrastination

19 Overcome procrastination
Once you’re given a due date on an assignment, count backwards from the due date to establish a start date Keep stress to a minimum. Start early to avoid a frantic finish Instead of making your goal to finish on time, make your goal to finish early Remember the riddle, “How do you eat an elephant?”  The answer: “A bite at a time.”

20 Time Management Tools Planner Google Calendar Time Management Apps

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