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Ectopic pregnancy: Definition: Any pregnancy accruing outside the uterine cavity incidence 1/100 one cause of maternal death.

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Presentation on theme: "Ectopic pregnancy: Definition: Any pregnancy accruing outside the uterine cavity incidence 1/100 one cause of maternal death."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ectopic pregnancy: Definition: Any pregnancy accruing outside the uterine cavity incidence 1/100 one cause of maternal death.

2 Pathology:- Commonest site uterine tube "ampulla". ovary. abdominal cavity. cervical canal.

3 Secretion of HCG –> maintain corpus luteum to secrete estrogen and progesterone .
endometrial changes. Trophoblastic cells  invade fallopian tube wall and erode blood vessels in mesosalpinx thus result : rupture  "abd. Cavity, broad ligament. embryo dies . tubal mole then absorption it.

4 Decrease progesterone hormone
shedding of deciduas vaginal bleeding

5 predisposing factors :
no identifiable cause : previous history of ectopic pregnancy. infertility,subinfertility . PID IUCD

6 clinical presentation:
Acute presentation: "classical" 25% -Amenorrhea – vaginal bleeding. one side of lower abdominal pain then become generalized – diarrhea shoulder pain due to sub diaphragmatic irritation by blood "should tip pain discomfort –syncope - difficult breath. On examination: hypotension – tachycardia Signs of peritonism "abdominal distension, guarding, rebound tenderness" Cervix closed – cervical excitation tender when moving cervix.

7 sub acute presentation:
bleeding –Amenorrhea – abnormal last light period – irregular vaginal bleeding – abdominal pain. DX : mass on fornix of vagina ??

8 outcomes of tubal pregnancy:
tubal abortion. tubal mole tubal rupture.

9 Different diagnosis : threatened or incomplete miscarriage. ovarian cyst acute salpingitis .

10 HCG level :  1500 Iu/L raised.
uls  empty uterus, no gestational sac ,TVS. Extra ovarian tubal mass . free fluid peritoneal cavity. laparoscopy.

11 Management: I) surgical management : - lapratomy :- indication 1. haemodynamic compromised. 2. obese patient . 3. extensive pelvic adhesion.

12 Advantages of lapratomy:
less blood loos. reduce need for post operative pain relief. less time to return to normal activity. less time for hospitalization.

13 lapratomy or laparoscopy:
partial salpingectomy : removing part of tube. salpingotomy "leaving the tube in place , remove the ectopic through incision. Risk for recurrent ectopic pregnancy 15% Risk of salpingotomy: Some gestational tissue may be left in place and continue to develop so follow up of HCG hormone weekly up to 10 weeks.

14 salpingectomy : indication 1. uncontrolled bleeding. 2. ectopic pregnancy for the 2nd time in the same tube.

15 ) Medical management : Advantages of medical management : avoid surgical intervention. less coast. less hospitalization. Drug : Methotrexate : Classification : anti metabolite. Action : interfere with synthesis of DNA Mode : IM single does 1 mg /kg body weight . Side effect: abdominal pain after 6-7 days of administration. -could be repeat the dose .

16 Follow up HCG indicator of success, when there is decrease of this hormone .
indication of success of medical treatment "methotrexate" decrease level of HCG, until disappear. size of ectopic diminish. no fetal cardiac activity.

17 ?? would choose medical or surgical intervention:
According to the following criteria: serum HCG less than 2000iu/L ectopic less than 2cm. no fetal cardiac activity.


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