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Unit II The beginnings of civilization: the first steps

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1 Unit II The beginnings of civilization: the first steps
Ancient Medieval Social Studies 10 S. Saunders

2 Recap- Neolithic Revolution
????? A shift from a hunting and gathering society to a food producting society. From nomadic to sedentary “Birth of Farming” 3.17 minutes

3 Elements of a Civilization
How would you define ‘civilization’? (with your group, come up with a definition to share with the class) Why did early civilizations develop??? Civilization: an advanced state of human society that contains highly developed forms of government, culture, industry, and common social norms have been reached.

4 Elements of a Civilization
What do humans need , in order to have a ‘civilization’? Think about the Neolithic Revolution.. Advanced cities that are the center of trade. Complex institutions, i.e.. Government, social structure, and religion. Record keeping for purpose of taxation and knowledge; therefore they need writing. Technological development: such as roads, weapons, or a calendar. Specialized workers and jobs

5 What does civilization really mean?
Is it fair to define a culture as ‘civilized’ or not? Civilized: an advanced state of human society based on government, culture, social norms, and moral development. If you are not civilized, then what are you?? The Greeks defined everyone who wasn’t a Greek as a barbarian. The Romans borrowed the word barbarian, and used it to describe anyone who wasn’t Roman. The word barbarian stayed in use ever since – the English described anyone who wasn’t European as barbarians or savages even into the 20th Century (1900s).

6 How do we define barbarian?
Basically, a barbarian is someone who is not you. A culture is considered barbaric based on things they don’t have. Don’t speak your language (Greeks vs. barbarians) Don’t follow your customs (Romans vs. barbarians) Don’t live the same way as you (English settlers vs. First Nations tribes)

7 Civilized vs ‘Primitive’
Defining a culture as a civilization (or not) carries a value judgement. A culture which meets the definition of civilization is seen as superior to (better than) a culture that doesn’t. We always consider our own culture to be superior to another. Once we decide we are superior, we use it as an excuse to conquer others. We wage war, invade, force our way of life onto others.

8 All that being said… Defining civilization is still useful to us in this course. It lets us understand the progression of human society after the Neolithic Revolution. It can be a useful way to examine a society and compare it to others. Let’s just be careful about the value judgements.

9 Features of Civilization: Response
Which feature of civilization do you think is most significant? Explain what the feature is. Why do you think it is the most significant? What does that feature contribute to a society? Why is a society not a civilization without that feature? Your response should be 1-2 paragraphs ( at least 5-6 sentences per paragraphs. Be sure to have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. due by end of class

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