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Feline shelter testing

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1 Feline shelter testing
Morgan County Humane Society’s Approach to FIV Testing in Shelter Cats

2 Why are we FIV testing? The idea The practice The result

3 The Idea: In 2014 we were testing cats for FIV/FELV prior to adoption. In 2014 we had 1599 outcomes, and 260 euthanasias. We were euthanizing FIV and FELV positive cats. Why? We looked to models of other programs like Best Friends and Maddie’s Group.

4 The Practice: In 2015 when I started working with MCHS, we ceased automatic euthanasia for FIV/FELV positive cats. We began seeking rescue, and placing the cats for adoption. In 2015 we had 869 outcomes, and 67 euthanasias. *Aggressive TNR/SNR was directly responsible for our lower intake numbers!

5 Concept: With new information in hand about FIV transmission, longevity in BOTH indoor and outdoor cats, why are we still testing for FIV in healthy cats? While we are no longer euthanizing cats for FIV status, it does increase our shelter stay from a 30 day average to a 9 month average. Dual testing through IDEXX increases our costs from 9.39/FELV test to for FIV/FELV test.

6 In 2016: MCHS ceased all FIV testing for healthy cats. MCHS spent approximately 5, on FELV tests. We saved 1, on the dual FIV/FELV test. MCHS applied the savings to treating cats with medical issues. MCHS euthanized 24 cats out of 854 outcomes. Our average length of stay decreased. Our adoption rate went up.

7 Our Fears: Reduction in Adoption? Increased Disease in Free Roaming Rooms? Push Back from local veterinarians? Return Adoptions?

8 Our Reality: From 2016 to 2019 we have had 0 (zero) return adoptions of cats subsequently testing FIV positive From 2016 to 2019 we have had 0 (zero) negative feedback about FIV testing cessation for healthy cats We have been able to divert feline testing budget to feline treatment budget

9 Should Programs Routinely Test for FIV?
We believe that this is a question worth asking We believe that it is an answer that may be different for every program We believe that it is a question your program should discuss with your veterinarian (s) We believe that if implemented, it must be explained to your adopters

10 Think Outside the Catbox!

11 Morgan county humane society

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