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Four Debate Characteristics

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1 Four Debate Characteristics

2 Writing prompt Read the following statement: Celebrities earn too much money. Write 3-5 sentences in support of the issue, then 3-5 sentences in opposition to the issue. Afterwards, write 1 sentence describing which side you actually believe.

3 1st Characteristic of Debate
Times Position Changing sides Formal Debates have Rules Formal Debates have Rules Each side has the same amount of time to present their ideas TIMES Opening statements for both sides = 4 minutes each Arguments for both sides = 4 minutes each Rebuttal conference = 2 minute Rebuttals = 2 minutes each Closing statements for both sides = 3 minutes Teams cannot choose which position they argue. Nor can they change sides during the debate

4 2nd Characteristic of Debate
Formal Debates are based on FORMAL ARGUMENTS Verified Justified Explained Formal Debates are based on FORMAL ARGUMENTS Arguments are NOT just opinions They are opinions that are explained, justified, and verified

5 2nd Characteristic of Debate
ASSERTION Formal Debates are based on FORMAL ARGUMENTS Formal arguments have an assertion (opinion supported by reason and evidence.) Debaters are EXPECTED to complete their assertions with reasoning and examples.

6 3rd Characteristic of Debate
Formal Debate has the expectation of clash. Formal Debate has the expectation of clash. Ideas “clash” when they directly oppose each other in conflicting and competing ways. Clash is essential to effective debate to be able to weigh and compare the two sides against each other.

7 4th Characteristic of Debate
In Formal Debate, an objective party resolves the dispute. In Formal Debate, an objective party resolves the dispute A judge (or judges) will declare that one side has won the exchange.

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