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Mr. Korycinski AP World History

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1 Mr. Korycinski AP World History
Christianity and the Jewish Diaspora Mr. Korycinski AP World History

2 Christianity PowerPoint
By Mr. Korycinski

3 Introduction During this PowerPoint, you will learn about Christianity and many of its key components. Holy Grail Cross

4 Stories of Origin/Important People
Jesus was the big figure in Christianity Apostles spread word after Jesus died Jesus performed miracles and was resurrected Baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin Last Supper with Apostles Jesus Christ & Lamb Pontius Pilate

5 Core Beliefs Jesus Christ was the Messiah, son of God Abrahamic faith
Holy Trinity and monotheistic God Jesus walks on water. Jesus turns water into wine. Jesus’ resurrection

6 Holy Writings Gospels: Mark, Matthew, Luke, & John
Old Testament (Jewish Biblical Text) New Testament (Gospels & Others) The Torah, the “Old” or the “Hebrew Testament”. An artist’s version of the mythical dreams in the book of Revelation. Luke, the writer of the third Gospel.

7 Symbols & Objects Cross: Sacrifice of Jesus’ body
Eucharist : Jesus’ body Rosary, used to pray the “Hail Mary” The rosary, a prayer object. Cross Eucharist

8 Symbols & Objects (continued)
Dove of Peace God’s spirit at Jesus’ baptism Lamb of God the taker of the sins Linked Circles the unity of God Cross Keys the keys of St. Peter and the symbolic keys to heaven. The cross keys, dove of peace, and the Lamb of God.

9 Places of Worship Church or Chapel
Three famous Christian churches and chapels, including Notre Dame, Westminster Abbey, and Saint Chapelle. Church or Chapel Usually has a cross, altar, and holy water. The holy water is to bless yourself with. The cross is to represent the death place of Jesus. In many churches, there is an organ in the back of the church.

10 Rites of Passage & Rituals
Baptism when you are welcomed into Christianity. This is usually done by pouring water on the head. Matrimony The agreement to stay with someone for the rest of their life. Holy Orders Death Passage to heaven, hell, or purgatory (eternal life).

11 Celebrations and Holidays
Christmas Marking the day Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary. There usually is a big feast. Lent The time Jesus stayed in the desert for 40 days to become a minister. It is a time to give up something. Easter Celebration of Jesus’ resurrection to forgive all of the world’s sins. Another feast is held. Three different celebrations and recognitions from these three holidays. (Christmas tree, Easter bunny and eggs, and Ash Wednesday.) Questions?

12 Celebrations & Holidays (continued)
Holy Week The week containing Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. This contained the Last Supper, his crucifixion, and more. Easter processions, one of many hundreds.

13 Roman Palestine

14 The Beginnings of Christianity in Bethlehem

15 Jesus’ Mission Baptism Agony in the Garden Crucifixion

16 The Resurrection: The Church Triumphant

17 St. Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles

18 The Spread of Christianity

19 The Jewish Diaspora

20 The Jewish Revolt (66-70 C. E.)

21 Masada: Never Again! Roman Encampment

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