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People Groups Culture Events Geography $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400.

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2 People Groups Culture Events Geography $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400

3 $100 The cousin and son in law of the prophet Muhammad. The 4th Caliph and 1st Imam.

4 The first non-Rashidun Caliph was:
$200 The Rashidun Caliphs were: 1. 2. 3. 4. The first non-Rashidun Caliph was:

5 $300 The third Imam was murdered at the Battle of Karbala. What was his name and who were his parents?

6 Name the founder of each of the following dynasties:
$400 Name the founder of each of the following dynasties: Umayyad Abbasids Ottomans

7 $100 This Empire started as a principality of the Seljuk Turks and lasted nearly 600 years.

8 $200 When the ______ Caliphate was overthrown by the ________ Caliphate in 750 C.E., Abd al-Rahman fled to Spain. Which Caliphate did his descendants eventually start?

9 $300 This Empire was founded by Babur and lasted until British Colonization in 1857.

10 $400 The ______ was a Shia dynasty started in Tunisia which moved its capital to Cairo. It was a rival Caliphate of the _______ which existed further to the East.

11 Where did the strait of Gibraltar get its name?
$100 Where did the strait of Gibraltar get its name?

12 $200 Both Sunnis and Shias believe in a __________, but only Shias believe that this person is currently in occultation.

13 $300 What are Madrassas and what do they have to do with the Golden Age of Islam?

14 $400 2 3 1 4 In which cities could you find the buildings above?

15 The Muslims were threatened by the Quraysh and had to flee to Yathrib.
$100 The Muslims were threatened by the Quraysh and had to flee to Yathrib.

16 $200 This started at the beginning of Ali’s reign as Caliph and didn’t end until his death.

17 $300 Explain how it was possible that the Ottomans were able to break down the walls of Constantinople using cannons.

18 $400 For each of the events below, write down the two groups who were fighting each other. Battle of the Camel Battle of Karbala Battle of Zab Siege of Baghdad

19 $100 Within a span of 150 years, Islam had expanded it’s borders from the ________ peninsula to the borders of the _______ subcontinent.

20 $200 Why does Indonesia have a larger Muslim population than any other country? (Think Geography)

21 Which empires had their capital in the following cities?
$300 Which empires had their capital in the following cities? Cairo Medina Istanbul Damascus Baghdad

22 Name cities labeled on the map above.
$400 Name cities labeled on the map above.

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