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Soccer Goalkeeper Practice Plan

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1 Soccer Goalkeeper Practice Plan

2 Warm-up Everything will be done using half of the field. Start by jogging 2 laps. The rest will be done with direction changes at each corner of the field. 1 lap of side shuffle, 1 lap of cross over, and then switching from high knees to butt kicks. Continue with alternative sprints and light jogging. Will end with 3 sets of running though the super shuttle run and the weave in weave out drill, followed by a some light stretching Case Study 1

3 Super Shuttle Run Case Study 1

4 Weave In Weave Out Case Study 1

5 Catching FUNdamentals and Drills

6 Ball Group Juggle Divide group into 2 have them keep a ball up in the air only using 1 hand emphasizing the body position behind the ball. Introduce more balls to increase difficulty Case Study 1

7 Ball Catching Technique
Have a partner toss a ball. Emphasize catching the ball using a W if it is high and a M hand position if it is low. Bring the ball to the body after catching it. Case Study 1

8 W Technique Case Study 1

9 M Technique Case Study 1

10 Catch and Fall Starting in a seated position catch a ball and fall to the side. Focus on keeping the knee bent when falling and the elbow in front of the body. Progress to a kneeling position and then to a standing position Case Study 1

11 Falling Technique Case Study 1

12 Falling Sit-up Perform the catch and fall drill but incorporate a sit-up, and toss back to partner. Partner tosses a ball in the other direction as soon as the goalkeeper lets go of the ball. Case Study 1

13 Falling Techniques Linebacker Drill
Using groups of 3 have middle person roll to the outside. Outside person jumps over the roller and rolls under the guy on the other side. The other partner continues the pattern Case Study 1

14 This section will be split up into 3 different stations
Goalkeeper Drills This section will be split up into 3 different stations

15 Quick Reactions For the first part the keeper will start in the middle of the net. On coach command he will touch a post and then react to a shot on the other side of the net. The next will be done with the keeper starting with his back to the coach. He will turn around and react to the shot. Case Study 1

16 Angle FUNdamentals The first part will have the keeper start in the middle of the net, run out and touch a cone and react to a shot. The second part will 2- 3 long shooters at different locations. The keeper will challenge a shooter react to the shot and then return to the starting location. Case Study 1

17 Triangle of DOOM The first part will have the keeper start in the middle of the net, run out and touch a cone and react to a shot. The second part will 2- 3 long shooters at different locations. The keeper will challenge a shooter react to the shot and then return to the starting location. Case Study 1

18 Case Study 1

19 Challenge Activity Will be done one keeper at a time. The keeper will start on the goal line with the coach at the top of the designated box. The coach will roll balls at random to different location in the box. The object of the drill is for the keeper to touch each ball before it leaves the designated area Case Study 1

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