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Adulthood and Later Adulthood

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1 Adulthood and Later Adulthood

2 Starter Imagine a fit and healthy 18 year old and a frail 85 year old
Who is more likely to feel most confident? Both have to cross a busy road Both have to do a speech at a wedding Both have to attend a group with people they have never met before

3 Physical Development – Adulthood and older Adulthood
18-28 Need Reading glasses Lose strength and speak 40 or 50 Peak of Physical Performance Champions of sport Can achieve peak of fitness is they exercise Older Adults 40s Cannot hear high Pitched Sounds During late Adulthood more commonly with men…. Thinning of hair and hair lost

4 Answers 16-30 18-28 40s 40-50 Older Adults
Champions of sport Peak of Physical Fitness Reading glassess Can achieve peak fitness if exercise Some cannot hear high sounds Thinning of and hair loss 16-30 18-28 40s 40-50 Older Adults During late Adulthood more commonly with men

5 Menopause Women are more fertile in their late teens and early twenties. The risk of miscarriage and pregnancy complications rise with age. Between fertility reduces and then comes to an end in a process called menopause (Stretch and Whitehouse 2010) The menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman's oestrogen levels decline.  In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51. However, around 1 in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age. This is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency. (NHS CHOICES 2017) Watch the Clip and note the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social Effects of the Menopause

6 Social and Development and Adulthood Case Study
John and Mike have been together for four years and have recently been through a civil ceremony. They consider themselves married. They want to start a family and Mikes friend has agreed to be a surrogate mother What might affect Social and Emotional development in adulthood? What are the major Social and Emotional developments in adulthood

7 Emotional Development
Erikson- features of emotional development in adulthood Intimacy Erikson argued that the key task of adulthood was coping with emotional attachment to a sexual partner. This may involve not being self centred and ensuring you are emotionally available. Staying Involved Later on adults may face a risk of emotional stagnation where theory lose interest in social issues.

8 The Final Stages of Life – Physical Development
Cell renewal starts to decrease or stop and this limit is called the Hayflick limit Hormone production decreases which breaks down biological systems The Longer we live the more at risk we are of cell damage Free radicals are toxic substances that damage our cells

9 Case study Gail is 85 years old and suffers osteoporosis.. She recently fell and hurt her hip. She has had the following conversation with her Physiotherapist who is helping her to use walking sticks to help her move around her bungalow “I have a little cry sometimes because I cannot get to the shops” “I can still get on my scooter and go down the social club” “I just do not have the strength to go shopping” “It is only when I can talk to others about my problems socially that I feel better- a problem shared is a problem halved”

10 Group task- Later Adulthood
Physical – Pages Intellectual – Cognitive P165 Emotional – Psychological P167 Social P

11 Interviews Take some time to consider questions you will ask your individual about adulthood and later adulthood Read page 169

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