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Where we are First draft October 2015 Presentation at autumn meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Where we are First draft October 2015 Presentation at autumn meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where we are First draft October 2015 Presentation at autumn meeting
Website for Group set up Consulted with agencies through to February Open consultation from early March Plan A was to endorse DMP today. Change of plan……..

2 Things still to do Incorporate key points from SNH
Develop cull targets for Five year population model Section 7 or not? Habitat monitoring plan to finalize and take forwards

3 Breadalbane DMG Basic Background Information

4 Public Interest Issues
Summary of stats relating to Knoydart DMG

5 Designated sites Very complex mixture of designated sites
20% of entire DMG

6 Native woodlands 14,750 ha woodlands in total 16% of area
4912 ha native woodland, 33% of total 57% at low or medium impacts 63% outwith designated sites

7 Woodland Expansion 4242 ha in 25 years
27% of total woodland area today 300 ha looking forwards (+ 200 ha?)

8 Wider upland habitats 24% species rich & upland grassland
23% montane habitats 22% heather moorland 16% woodland 8% blanket bog (87 % outwith designated sites) 4% Improved grassland

9 Carbon Storage 14,750 ha woodlands, most well managed
500 ha potential woodland creation 7660 ha of blanket bog

10 Income Sporting £880,000 Venison £285,000 Total: £1,165,000
Costs of employment: £1,160,000 39 employees, plus 16 part time

11 Staff Training 55 staff in total 43/55 have DMQ Level 1
32/39 of core employees 22/55 have Level 2 20/39 core employees 26 on Fit & Competent register 27/55 have trained hunter status 24/39 core employees

12 Sheep 24,100 in total 9000 deer Approx 10 deer per 100 ha.

13 Misc Public interest slides

14 Consultees SNH 5 X CC area 2 X Local Authorities 2 X Archaeolgists
Perth & Kinross Access Forum Historic Environment Scotland LLTNPA Neighbouring DMG areas Fire and Rescue Service

15 Looking forwards

16 Population modelling and setting future cull levels




20 North Group Suggested Stag Cull 300 Actual Stag Cull 319
Suggested Hind Cull 325 Actual Hind Cull 335

21 Middle Group Suggested Stag Cull 130 Actual Stag Cull 136
Suggested Hind Cull 200 Actual Hind Cull

22 South Group Suggested Stag Cull 140 Actual Stag Cull 244
Suggested Hind Cull 100 Actual Hind Cull 114

23 Habitat Monitoring

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