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Imperialism and Colonialism

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1 Imperialism and Colonialism
Causes of WWI Imperialism and Colonialism

2 Essential Question How did European colonization and imperialism lead to WWI?

3 WWI began in 1914 and ended in 1918
WWI Time Period WWI began in 1914 and ended in 1918

4 M – A – I – N M – Militarism A – Alliances I – Imperialism
N - Nationalism

5 Militarism During the early 1900s, many European countries spent much of their wealth on building strong armies and navies. This focus on developing a strong military is called Militarism Countries wanted strong militaries to defend their colonies


7 Alliances European leaders wanted other countries to think twice before declaring war on their country. To defend themselves countries would join an alliance. An alliance is an agreement between nations to unite for a common cause. Each member of an alliance agrees to help the other members in case one of them is attacked.


9 Imperialism By the beginning of the 1900s, Europe’s most powerful countries had colonies all over the world. Mainly England, France, Spain, Portugal and others At this time, these countries had many colonies in Africa and Asia

10 Imperialism

11 Nationalism Nationalism is having strong pride in one’s nation or ethnic group. An ethnic group is people with similar languages and traditions European countries were very sensitive and willing to go to war in the early 1900s to protect their honor.

12 M – A – I – N Britain’s sea power gave it command of the World’s shipping lanes and control over a vast empire stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to Southeast Asia. However, Germany would mount a challenge to British power.

13 M – A – I – N After becoming a unified country in 1871, Germany grew rich and used its wealth to build it’s Army and Navy. However, Russia was also expanding and becoming a threat to Germany.

14 M – A – I - N WWI rumbled onto the global stage when a Serbian sniper, seeking to free his ethnic group from Austrian rule, assassinated Archduke Ferdinand. The assassination sparked a series of great power actions and reactions in the five weeks that followed, shattering world peace. Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary and went to war against Serbia for the assassination.

15 M – A – I - N Germany wanted a short war which would give them status and keep Russia from getting any status. France and Russia joined forces to defend Serbia. Soon after, they were joined by Britain in an effort to contain Germany. The war became truly global when the United States, reacting to the German sinking of the Lusitannia by submarines, entered the war.

16 M – A – I - N Austria, believing that they were protecting their pride, could not comprehend why Russia labeled them the aggressors. Germany’s insensitivity to other countries, prevented them from understanding the Russian’s pride and their fear of humiliation if they allowed the Germans and Austrians to destroy Serbia, whom they were sworn to protect.

17 M – A – I - N With each side believing that they were right, diplomatic alternatives to war were quickly evaporated. WWI destroyed both life and property and changed the face of Europe.

18 Design a Test You will be the teachers for the rest of class.
You will be making a test that the other side of class will have to take. Each side of the class will make a 10 Question Test.

19 Remember! The Questions MUST deal with the causes of WWI.
The question MUST be answerable. Your group MUST know the answer to any question you make. Try to make it hard. See if the other side can pass it.

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