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17-2: The New Deal’s Critics

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1 17-2: The New Deal’s Critics
US History 17-2: The New Deal’s Critics

2 Overview For millions of Americans, the New Deal meant survival, security and opportunity. The poor and the jobless appreciated the efforts of President Roosevelt Women and minorities noted its failures with bitterness.

3 Limits of the New Deal Fell short of expectations
Ex. Fair Labor Standards Act = covered fewer than ¼ of workers, set minimum wage at $.25 an hour, which was much lower than what they were already getting.

4 Women Permitted lower wages for women
Men received preferences for job hiring No New Deal programs protected domestic service (female dominated industry)

5 African Americans Federal relief programs reinforced racial segregation Lower wages “last hired, first fired…” FDR did appoint African Americans to many policy making posts

6 Criticism from the “Right”
“Right” = typically made up of those who want to preserve a current system of power Mostly wealthy who disliked higher taxes Felt social security punished hardworking, successful people Limited individual freedoms

7 Criticism from the “Left”
“Left” = usually seeks governmental change on behalf of the common public Thought New Deal didn’t do enough

8 Demagogues Charismatic leaders who manipulate people with half-truths, deceptive promises and scare tactics Ex. Father Charles E. Coughlin Used the radio to advocate the government taking over banks, redistribution of wealth, and promoted anti-Semitic statements with open support of Hitler - Ex. Huey Long worked to help the underprivileged, education, medical care, etc. Created the “Share our Wealth” program which had higher taxes on the wealthy and advocated redistribution of wealth.

9 Court Packing Scheme Attempted to pack the Supreme Court with New Deal supporters Proposed a major court reform bill that would add as many as 6 additional justices Withdrew his reform bill after negative response—damaged him politically

10 Today CCC projects still in existence today—roads, bridges, dams, parks Programs still in existence—Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Securities and Exchange Commission, Social Security

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